

Jul 3, 2019
i put 20 pheasant eggs in the incumabtor after 28 days only 3 Pipped 2 died shortly after it’s not day 30
And the last bird was having a really hard time getting out of the shell so i slowly cracked the eggs around what he had already opened but did not remove the top of the egg an hour and a half later he pushed himself out but now he’s just curled in a ball with his head in an odd position what should I do?
If you are absolutely sure that the incubator is running at the correct temp and humidity (impossible to know unless you have calibrated instruments) then the next things to look at alisvthe diet if the breeder flock and the cleanliness of the bator. Bacteria kills.
28 to 30 days is way too long for pheasants to hatch...most of the True pheasants will hatch in 24 to 26 days.
The Ruff pheasants hatch in 21 to 22 days.

One of two things happened during your hatch. Either the temperature was too low or you miscalculated the set date.
Also, the difficulty in hatching would suggest your humidity was too high as well...high humidity at hatch will cause chicks to become 'stuck', unable to turn in the shell during the 'zipping' phase of the hatch. This can cause curled toes, unbalanced and weak chicks.

If you have any Nutri-Drench on hand, I would highly recommend getting some administered to the chick.
All of my settings were checked to the specs pheasant eggs required also I guess his head isn’t in a funny position it’s kind of
Just under him I’ve hatched tons of quail out of this incubator with a 80+ percent hatch rate

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