

Apr 13, 2020
South Shields England
So.... What an experience this has been. We've getting 4 chicks out of the 9 that went to lockdown. Unfortunately only 1 hen. Theres a 5th chick that we have had a huge problem with. The little fells hatched with the yolk sac still exposed and attached to the umbilical cord. We covered it with moist paper towel and put it in the incubator in hope that it would absorb it. We went to bed last night after helping the best we could at 23.30 and at 5.45 this morning when I checked. Still alive and still attached to the egg although some of the yolk sac was absorbed. I re applied moist tissue and put the lid back on. 8.45 I checked again and its free from the egg however, lay in the centre of the bator breathing what looks rapidly. I read somewhere that sugar water might keep hopes alive so I've dunked his beak and hoped he took some on board. I feel its just lay there dying painfully and I haven't a clue what to do. Do I just let nature fun it's cause?!!!
Just wait and see, chicks don't need food and water for up to 48 hours, I leave them 24 hours in the incubator most of the time
Just wait and see, chicks don't need food and water for up to 48 hours, I leave them 24 hours in the incubator most of the time
All the other chick came out full of life. This one has lay on the floor breathing rapidly without moving bar the odd kick for nearly 12 hours. Is his normal for a chick with an exposed yolk sac which it is slowly absorbing or is this a sign of slow death?
All the other chick came out full of life. This one has lay on the floor breathing rapidly without moving bar the odd kick for nearly 12 hours. Is his normal for a chick with an exposed yolk sac which it is slowly absorbing or is this a sign of slow death?
Can you post a pic of it? Is it trying to stand? They can be weak if they have hatching problems.
It's not trying to stand at all or at least I haven't seen it try. It's (I think) shuffled to the corner of the bator and still lay there panting rapidly.
It's not trying to stand at all or at least I haven't seen it try. It's (I think) shuffled to the corner of the bator and still lay there panting rapidly. View attachment 2156965
So you can put it in a little cup with some dry paper towel so it can sit up. Look up chick seats and you'll get some ideas. I might give it a drop or 2 of baby vitamins no iron, or poultry nutradrench or sav a chick vitamins or a little blackstrap mollasses diluted in water. You can put it in the brooder it's mostly fluffed.

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