
Lexiee's Chicks

Oct 5, 2017
Wynne, Ar
I thought our duck had a niacin difficiency so I got polynison. I gave him 2ml yesterday. He isn’t eating now. Does he need more, did I give too much? Any and all info is very much appreciated. He is 8 months old and weighs maybe 5 pounds.
Could you post a video of him? To post a video you need to upload it to a video platform like Youtube or vimeo, then copy/paste the link here.

What is he being fed? How long have these problems been going on? What is Polynison, could you post a picture of the bottle?

What kind of symptoms is he exhibiting?
Does he seem aware of his surroundings?
How do his poops look?
Any respiratory related problems, like heavy breathing, tail bobbing, etc?
This is what I read that had niacin in it that would help. He was on chick starter and also chicken scratch. I read that I needed to get him Purina flock raiser
He is aware of his surroundings. Doesn’t seem to be having trouble breathing. He just can’t walk. His legs go behind his body and he spreads his wings out to try to move forward.

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