
Ok. I have chickens as well. That’s why I give them that. Tell me exactly what to feed my chickens if you don’t mind. We don’t raise our chickens or our duck to eat them. They are our pets and I need to know what to feed them. Thanks for your honesty.

While you're at TSC, pick up some up either some All Flock feed, or Purina flock raiser, if you can.
We have always had chickens. She was given to us when she was a couple of months old. She walked on top of her feet, but we thought it was because she had a larger body and smaller feet. I know that sounds dumb now looking back, but it is what it is. Like I said, I have only had chickens and do not know about raising ducks. She had gotten better and then a few days ago is when she started doing this. I just felt of her lower abdomen and she could be egg bound too? I feel 1, and she hasn’t laid 1 since this started. I also see that her wings are now crossed, (Like you see in photo) and I don’t know if that is something to worry about. I am getting her out of her pool now. I was out of town and my husband was giving me updates on her and she didn’t get in her pool today because it’s too hard too walk. I know it’s at night, but I do know it’s important for them to be in the pool everyday.


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I would suggest that you give it orally, but if you want to go IM, or SQ, get a 22 gauge needle.

You're right, it'd be very unlikely that a bird that age would suddenly develop a nutritional issue unless there was a dramatic change in his/her diet.

A few of my questions have not been answered yet, I'm unsure how longs he's had it, or what the OP means by "lame".
While you're at TSC, pick up some up either some All Flock feed, or Purina flock raiser, if you can.
It sounds to me, due to you feeding her chick feed, and scratch grains, which does not contain enough niacin for a Pekin, she developed a niacin deficiency. If she's been showing problems walking since she was a youngster, odds are she will never be completely better because the bones have become so set in place.

You can try, and I would definitely recommend start administering B complex, and starting her on a feed intended for ducks, or all poultry. In addition to that, lots of water therapy, she may be able to improve some.

Her wings are not a problem, that can be seen occasionally in ducks.
Getting her health sorted out is your top priority right now, but once that’s sorted you’re gonna want to get her another duck friend (definitively sexed female)

ducks are hardcore social animals and while they can make do with chickens or other animals, they’re happiest and healthiest with a duck companion. If you can swing it, another girl duck for her to live with would be great for her
It sounds to me, due to you feeding her chick feed, and scratch grains, which does not contain enough niacin for a Pekin, she developed a niacin deficiency. If she's been showing problems walking since she was a youngster, odds are she will never be completely better because the bones have become so set in place.

You can try, and I would definitely recommend start administering B complex, and starting her on a feed intended for ducks, or all poultry. In addition to that, lots of water therapy, she may be able to improve some.

Her wings are not a problem, that can be seen occasionally in ducks.
THANK YOU!! She loves the water and splashes around etc. I gave her the b complex when I got home. I have also started her on the correct feed. Thank you so much for everything and I will update you all tomorrow.
Getting her health sorted out is your top priority right now, but once that’s sorted you’re gonna want to get her another duck friend (definitively sexed female)

ducks are hardcore social animals and while they can make do with chickens or other animals, they’re happiest and healthiest with a duck companion. If you can swing it, another girl duck for her to live with would be great for her
I will definitely get her a companion.

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