CapricornFarm: "What types of chickens do you have?"

1-Partridge Rock (the Henmaster), 2-AmberLinks, 1-SL Wyandotte, 3-Welsummers, 3-Light Sussex, 2-Ameraucanas, 2-Olive Eggers, 1-Black Copper Marans, 1-Blue Copper Marans, 1-Buff Orpington, 1-RIR, 1-Jubilee Orpington roo, 1-Coronation Sussex roo

They all get along as well as chickens can. The PR rules the roost, even the roos don't mess with her. The roos get along so far and are watch over the girls, so far they also get along fine with us as well. We spend a lot of time working in the garden around the chickens and I think that helps with the attitude.

It was cleaning day today. A little off topic, but here are a couple accessories for the chicken yard and garden that have come in very handy:
Pooper Scooper (a great idea from a BYC post) and a garden Tubtrug (online at or that is easy to clean and sterilize. One of the kennel trays from that we put under the crumbles.
View attachment 1112109
A stainless steel burn cage that we have used for all kinds of things including chicken yard waste that we don't compost. Good for biosecurity if needed. Where we live there is no trash service (or any service for that matter!) Pricey, but lasts a lifetime. attachment 1112112

Really really like the kennel tray idea. Thanks for sharing.
WOW!!! you folks are really on the ball. It's amazing how we design for different regions of the country. Chickens are hearty creatures, and just survive about everywhere. Just amazing critters.

I live in an HOA, so gotta keep things low. My enclosure is four 8x8 squares, and reserved a small 4x8 section for my observation deck. Minus the deck, the entire run will be enclosed with 1/4" hardware cloth, including the top, and will be surrounded with at least 18" of hardware cloth and planter boxes around the bottom surrounding the perimeter for veggies. No wild birds or rodents should get in. For the AZ 100+ degree temps, I also have a 12' x 20' tarp which I will fasten with a gazillion huge eye bolts.

The coop is in constant modification, so that will be the icing on the cake after the run is completed. Have a look see. I'm only 5'8" on a good day (LOL) so there shouldn't be any trouble with me walking through there. I do have to take into consideration using a deep litter method so as not to trip over those 2x6 boards at the base.

You can see from all the houses that I live in an HOA and have to be considerate of anything that may offend the neighbors. I live on a double coldesack, peninsula, so you're seeing the back one from the back yard.

I don't know where the hell I came up with this design. Just started from scratch with a 4x4 post and expanded out from there like the spokes of a wheel. The design doesn't make any sense, but it's very sturdy. And again, all screened in with 1/4" hardware cloth from top to bottom. The tarp is only for shade and some of those violent rains we have in Arizona. --BB

Bobby Basham
Tucson, Arizona
View attachment 1114751 View attachment 1114752
Wow! Gorgeous
Lol, the little one is 2 years old. The biggest one is 7. They can help feed the animals though. My son , Robert will probably be sleeping the whole time. He works 2 jobs. DIL likes to be waited on, thinks she is the queen.
Not much building will occur i fear.
Here is Charlie, the poor little guy i accidentally ran over with the Mule. 20170909_102928.jpg

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