My brother used to fish for sharks when he went to FL. He may still, idk he won't talk to me any more. Hates me for putting Mom in a nursing home.
Well unless he was going to take her in, which he still could, he has a lot of nerve holding that against you :smack
we always told both of our Moms that they could come live with us if they wanted to.
Annie's Mom stayed at her home until she passed away at 95. Annie's sister stayed with her. My Mom came to live with us when she turned 92. she passed away at 99. If it hadn't been for Annie, I could not have handled it alone..
I have 2 bros and 3 sisters. None of them would have taken Mom in. 2 of my sisters would have her visit for a week or a couple of days, until Mom got to be too much to about 95 years old.
Lucky thing for my siblings that they never tried to tell us how to do the job.
I often told Annie that if I heard one peep from anybody, I would pack up Mom and her things and deliver her to the complainer..
I have not heard any complaints even to today. Mom passed in 2013..
I am sorry. It is never easy deciding what to do when our loved ones need more care. Doesn't always make everyone happy either but I have seen that few want to step up and take on the extra work of keeping them at home but fully expect another person to..... be it a child or sibling.
I lived with her a year, and my Aunt lived with us for 6 months in TN. Nearly drove me nuts.
Rained all day yesterday here with some high winds....freaky warm and windy today.
Was so warm made me thing time for spring pullet sales. DOH!
snow started about midnight, by yesterday morning we had about 3". then it started to rain and got up to 40F. this morning the ground is brown again. and really wet.
if this freezes we will have to wear ice skates 24/7..
a car went through the ice on the wisconsin river above Merrill..
nobody got hurt.

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