I am currently building my biggest coop ever and thought about how many newbies are trying to build their first coop ever. Thinking of all you struggling to learn the use of tools and with questions on your mind about planning, i thought it would be helpful to share what i have learned and let others do the same. Even small tips can ease frustration in the building process. If you just want to share pictures of your progress, have at it. Let's share and encourage each other.
The usual back yard chicken rules apply. Please play nice, no need to be rude. Everyone has to learn sometime . Welcome to my coop building thread.

I am a newbie and just posted a draft of my coop intentions in "Am I on the right path". I have been considering and researching this for a few years now, but now reality has set in and I do not want to make "stoopid" and irreversible mistakes or endanger my flock. You guys are wonderful at assisting us "Eggnorant". We appreciate your input, advise and most of all your patience. Thanks!
Rule of twos....
Make it twice as big as you think you need, walk in....
Put in twice the amount of ventilation you think you need.
It will cost twice as much as you planned.
It will take twice as long to build as you thought it would.

If this is your first flock build coop first, then get chicks.
Since you built it bigger build in a in coop brooder/chicken jail.
Dirt floor for DLM


I am giggling at your advise. It is exactly what I anticipated. I, as a newbie, will NOT bring any chicks on my property until all is built, fenced and stocked. I do not want to be scrambling and forget something they need, having them suffer due to my eggnorance. I will be ready to place them in the coop before I order them and long before they are big enough to utilize it. Great advise. If you get the chance, no obligation, please offer your input on my aspirations in this forum under "Am I on the right path". Thank you and have a wonderful day.
I am a newbie and just posted a draft of my coop intentions in "Am I on the right path". I have been considering and researching this for a few years now, but now reality has set in and I do not want to make "stoopid" and irreversible mistakes or endanger my flock. You guys are wonderful at assisting us "Eggnorant". We appreciate your input, advise and most of all your patience. Thanks!

This one https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/am-i-on-the-right-path.1318366/
Getting closer to finishing up this coop!
And I built most of the nest box today. Need to finish painting it.

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