Art, If the old dog is not in pain, or sick, let it hang around for awhile. Give it a dose of CBD or CBC.
I'm sure he is in some pain, thing is, it's impossible to tell just how much as he is incredibly stoic, more than other dogs I've had. Meds are not an option for reasons I won't go into here.

He's not sick, that I know of(no vetting here-long story), is eating drinking peeing and pooping ok. Tho on occasion he drops a turd in the house and has a hard time squatting to eliminate. His back legs have been wonky for a couple years, pinched nerves from back injury IMO, and he did go thru a bout of anaplasmosis around the same time. The back legs thing has greatly reducing his dexterity in many situations. He will not walk on hard floors, too slippery and can end up splay-legged and 'stuck'....took me weeks to determine why he wouldn't go into bathroom where his water was kept. I now have rubber backed throw rugs in many places. He can't get up on the bed or even the couch anymore. He has trouble doing the circling and getting his back legs into position before laying down anywhere, getting back up is just as arduous.

Our main egress in and out of the house includes a full set of stairs(walkout ranch), I have to go down the stairs on my butt in front of him and coax him down a step at time and hope I can catch him if he falls. He can't ride in the van anymore, too unstable standing and can't really 'sit' any more. Two front steps off the deck to dog yard for morning pee are OK, but I had to install a light over steps.

He still prompts to play but rarely and gives up pretty quick. He still likes to wander the fields and yards and even runs a bit....but again not for long. I think that's a sign of pain.

He fell a couple times last winter on the slick front steps and back patio, my own mobility issues made that a scary situation, I almost went down trying to get him back up onto his feet. I can just pick him up, and if he fights it...SMH. He's a 12-13yo standard poodle, 24" at the shoulder and 45lbs. I am isolated here with no 'help', unless it's a dire emergency.

Phew, that got long, sorry, guess I needed to 'vent'...thanks for 'listening'.
Anyway, I can't see him going thru another winter, so not tomorrow but before the ground freezes.
I'm sure he is in some pain, thing is, it's impossible to tell just how much as he is incredibly stoic, more than other dogs I've had. Meds are not an option for reasons I won't go into here.

He's not sick, that I know of(no vetting here-long story), is eating drinking peeing and pooping ok. Tho on occasion he drops a turd in the house and has a hard time squatting to eliminate. His back legs have been wonky for a couple years, pinched nerves from back injury IMO, and he did go thru a bout of anaplasmosis around the same time. The back legs thing has greatly reducing his dexterity in many situations. He will not walk on hard floors, too slippery and can end up splay-legged and 'stuck'....took me weeks to determine why he wouldn't go into bathroom where his water was kept. I now have rubber backed throw rugs in many places. He can't get up on the bed or even the couch anymore. He has trouble doing the circling and getting his back legs into position before laying down anywhere, getting back up is just as arduous.

Our main egress in and out of the house includes a full set of stairs(walkout ranch), I have to go down the stairs on my butt in front of him and coax him down a step at time and hope I can catch him if he falls. He can't ride in the van anymore, too unstable standing and can't really 'sit' any more. Two front steps off the deck to dog yard for morning pee are OK, but I had to install a light over steps.

He still prompts to play but rarely and gives up pretty quick. He still likes to wander the fields and yards and even runs a bit....but again not for long. I think that's a sign of pain.

He fell a couple times last winter on the slick front steps and back patio, my own mobility issues made that a scary situation, I almost went down trying to get him back up onto his feet. I can just pick him up, and if he fights it...SMH. He's a 12-13yo standard poodle, 24" at the shoulder and 45lbs. I am isolated here with no 'help', unless it's a dire emergency.

Phew, that got long, sorry, guess I needed to 'vent'...thanks for 'listening'.
Anyway, I can't see him going thru another winter, so not tomorrow but before the ground freezes.

I'm sure he is in some pain, thing is, it's impossible to tell just how much as he is incredibly stoic, more than other dogs I've had. Meds are not an option for reasons I won't go into here.

He's not sick, that I know of(no vetting here-long story), is eating drinking peeing and pooping ok. Tho on occasion he drops a turd in the house and has a hard time squatting to eliminate. His back legs have been wonky for a couple years, pinched nerves from back injury IMO, and he did go thru a bout of anaplasmosis around the same time. The back legs thing has greatly reducing his dexterity in many situations. He will not walk on hard floors, too slippery and can end up splay-legged and 'stuck'....took me weeks to determine why he wouldn't go into bathroom where his water was kept. I now have rubber backed throw rugs in many places. He can't get up on the bed or even the couch anymore. He has trouble doing the circling and getting his back legs into position before laying down anywhere, getting back up is just as arduous.

Our main egress in and out of the house includes a full set of stairs(walkout ranch), I have to go down the stairs on my butt in front of him and coax him down a step at time and hope I can catch him if he falls. He can't ride in the van anymore, too unstable standing and can't really 'sit' any more. Two front steps off the deck to dog yard for morning pee are OK, but I had to install a light over steps.

He still prompts to play but rarely and gives up pretty quick. He still likes to wander the fields and yards and even runs a bit....but again not for long. I think that's a sign of pain.

He fell a couple times last winter on the slick front steps and back patio, my own mobility issues made that a scary situation, I almost went down trying to get him back up onto his feet. I can just pick him up, and if he fights it...SMH. He's a 12-13yo standard poodle, 24" at the shoulder and 45lbs. I am isolated here with no 'help', unless it's a dire emergency.

Phew, that got long, sorry, guess I needed to 'vent'...thanks for 'listening'.
Anyway, I can't see him going thru another winter, so not tomorrow but before the ground freezes.
My previous dog I waited until he had to be held to pee. Way too long. Also he couldn't get in the back of the truck to take to the vet. 20 yrs ago and even then it was all I could do to get a 150# st Bernard in the truck.
The current dog is having issues with steps but I now have a SUV and it should be easier when the time comes
My previous dog I waited until he had to be held to pee. Way too long.
Thank you.
Yes, exactly why I am planning on 'sooner' rather than 'too long'.
So hard to tell 'when'.
Like today he brought his toy to me and played for a quite awhile, now stretched out on floor probably will barely move until we go downstairs and outside late afternoon.
good Sunday morning,
awesomely nice temp in this morning.
Cappy, what kind of quail do you have ?
I had the really tiny ones. I think they were called Chinese something or other , or Paint ?
they were very laid back .
they laid an egg the exact size of the Easter candy with the malted inside..
I pickeled a quart of them once. it took 40 eggs to fill the jar.
they were a pain to peel the shell off of.
I since learned that if I would soak them in vinegar for a day, the shells soften and slip right off..
I have Coturnix Celadon egg layers and California valley quail. You probably had Button quail.
Oh man, pickled eggs, now I'll have to make some. How were the pickled quail eggs Jim?

Friday we were fishing at the dock as per usual. DP hooked something enormous but it got under the dock and broke off before we even got to see it. About 30 minutes later I hooked and together we landed this:View attachment 1908644

Biggest bass I've ever seen let alone caught. 25 inches long, we're guessing 5 or 6 lbs or more.
Awesome fish! Biggest fish I ever caught was a Northern Pike.
Wow, that must have been a big'un!

Rained all day today and will continue for the next 3 or 4 days, time for inside projects, so I tested my commercial hotplate with my new pressure-canner to see if it will maintain temperature/pressure today and glory be, it works! Next step is to start canning our freezer full of trout.

They start building the garage/shed tomorrow and once that's done we can get going on the rabbit hutches and chicken coop & run. Not to mention giving our tools a better home than the kitchen and my bedroom.
Um, how do you can a freezer?

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