what I am is cheap.
Same here ;)

a 3 speed bike. of course this was new technology back then. I just had to take it apart to see what made it go.
Same here, a spring went flying and my dad heard from the other end of the house and came running to top of basement stairs..."what the hell did you do?!" :gig

Note which way the arrows are pointing , etc..
Did indeed, marked it on the pipe, plus there are 3 pumps and all run the same way.
started raining around 4pm again.
I was working in the garage. filled a dumpster with junk. found tools I haven't seen for years.
moved both jointers into the work shop end of the building.
swept part of the newly exposed floor.
have about enough room to get Ollie about half way backed into the garage.
Tylenol on the menu for tonight.
Never heard of lucerne straw but the internet says that's alfalfa. That is doable, we found the local feed store the other day and they have bales of everything.

Yay! Hope it works for you NewBoots

I'm so impressed when you guys do these technical projects, I just wouldn't have the nerve.

Ditto :clap
going to be quite cool today. that's good. I don't like to sweat.
the main trouble with taking stuff out of the garage is there is no place to go with it.
keep slogging along.
6:30 am it wasn't hot but you can already feel humidity. Its supposed to hit 90F today (possibly 92 in some areas). Tomorrow it will be 60F. A real roller coaster. Not gonna be nice for the chores I need to attend to. Enjoy your chore day weather!
going to be quite cool today. that's good. I don't like to sweat.
the main trouble with taking stuff out of the garage is there is no place to go with it.
keep slogging along.
2 day heat wave has passed here too....still disgustingly humid tho.
Well I am luckier than I deserve. I didn't have to spend any money, Don dropped off a bunch of 2" x 6" x 7' pt lumber from a deck someone had him tear down. I've got the nails and screws pulled out of about a third of it so far. It isn't brand new but it'll last a few years at least. Next break we get in the weather I'll start making the raised beds. This also means I can get the cardboard out of the garage. Yippee!
It isn't brand new but it'll last a few years at least. Next break we get in the weather I'll start making the raised beds. This also means I can get the cardboard out of the garage. Yippee!
Probably better that it isn't new if you're going to grow food in them.
How does this precipitate getting the cardboard out of the garage?
Yay for free lumber!!

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