I just make my regular from scratch pancake batter, then grate up a few small to medium potatoes and a small onion.
Those are pancakes with potatoes in them ;) :lol:
I just grate raw potatoes, squeeze out the water in a dishtowel, add an egg, S&P, and some onion, patty 'em up and fry in shallow oil. Damn, that sounds good!!
My sister used to make hers out of leftover mashed potatoes but I never figured out how.

I made a couple of sawhorses today and got the fill dirt raked over the sand behind the shed so we can get the clover seed scattered before the rains begin in earnest.

The lumber yard down the street has a couple of pallets of marked-down lumber that I've been coveting. Only the stack of used deck boards already in the yard are holding me back from grabbing them. But you can never have too much lumber, right?
those sound like hash browns.
Almost, except for the egg mixed in.
I like 'em with ketchup.

But you can never have too much lumber, right?
Especially with a new homestead and lots of plans.
Having a place to store them dry and 'orderly' would clinch the deal.
when I was doing a lot of building, the lumber company had a large pallet of tongue and groove boards . I looked at them for weeks.
finally one day I decided to buy them. apparently somebody else made up their mind the day before I did..
If you have a couple of pallets to keep the boards off of the ground, and a good tarp to cover them with, go for it.
if you don't use them, you can always resell them.
I like ketchup on fried eggs.
Miracle Whip on french fries.
Finally getting more work done since the temperature is cooling down.

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