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Here's the playhouse. See the little red half door? Not sufficient to keep critters out. So I put in a new door. Today I made wooden frames for 2 more of the windows. The front window will hold the nest box, left side window will connect to the run.
Your recycling of stuff is an inspiration Cap. And it's sooo cute!
2:3o AM. I will stay up for a couple of hours and then go back to bed.
speaking of glass. I have to repair a window on the sunporch. the bottom of the sash rotted away and the glass slipped down an inch.
IDK if I can replace just the sash, or if the glass is direct set into the frame. It is a fixed window.

I want to add some metal roofing to extend the overhang about 4" all across the edge . that will be an easy job once it gets warm here.
I am currently building my biggest coop ever and thought about how many newbies are trying to build their first coop ever. Thinking of all you struggling to learn the use of tools and with questions on your mind about planning, i thought it would be helpful to share what i have learned and let others do the same. Even small tips can ease frustration in the building process. If you just want to share pictures of your progress, have at it. Let's share and encourage each other.
The usual back yard chicken rules apply. Please play nice, no need to be rude. Everyone has to learn sometime . Welcome to my coop building thread.
ood shavings and straw are both great beddings for chicken coops and I personally love the smell of clean shavings in a warm coop, but when used as a flooring in an uncovered run, wood shavings and straw can become soggy and work into the ground fairly quickly making the run difficult to clean

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