I need blue prints on quail coops.
I just found out I have 2 males, and I need to now buy 8 females instead of 4.
I need a coop that will fit atleast 15 quail. I say 15 because I know I will have fertile eggs, So i need room for newcomers when the time comes.
I just build 2x8 hutches like you would use for rabbits. Probably pictures of the ones I built on the thread here or in my photo albums.
Almost panicked today because I thought for a minute it was Friday! So much to be done before the swap.
I did start clearing brush off the site for the new coop. And old sticks and logs that went on the burn pile . The goats ate and leaves off the brush that were edible. I painted some boards and the frame for a gate. Of course, although it wasn't supposed to rain it did. I was running around trying to cover stuff or put it in the garage.
I am thinking possibly my son and his kids might help me build the coop! It would be great to have help.
Really starting to worry about Jim.

good morning, I tried to read every post, but got only this far.
I never thought I would be missed so much. I really appreciate that.
No room upstairs for my computer.
the operation went very well. I requested to stay in the hospital for the full three days. Their pain meds are better than what they send home with you.
I took pain meds only two day s after getting home. I was so nausiated that I figured I could handle the pain better. As it turned out the pain was only about a 2/10 .. at most time nil.
Nothing I could not bear.
I do PT twice a week. I really like it. My PT person is not much for conversation, but he really puts me through the grinder. I am exhauster for the rest of the day after each session.
I got a lot accomplished since the operation. I sit on my chair and watch Annie and Dan clean the garage.. It is about 95% finished.
then I sat and directed Dan to adjust the Carbureter on the tractor. Did some research and learned how to adjust the governor. Dan did the physical work, I just coached.
For his reward, I let him play with the tractor for about an hour. He back bladed the parking area and the area where the tomato farm was. all is nice and smooth again.
I am thinking of buying a box blade.
I have to ask around to see what width my tractor can handle. I am hoping a 60" ..
Annie is having a cataract removed. Dr told her the procedure is just seven minutes long.
I had both done years ago. piece o' cake.
quail cages should not be too tall. if they are too tall the quail try to fly, and then they get hurt. I had the really tiny quail, my cage was only 10 " tall. I had sliding doors on top to access and cleaning. you do not want to crowd the roosters. they get really abusive to each other.
Look up commercial cages and just copy their dimensions.
I once figured out how many quail you could end up with if you started out with just one pair and let each successive hatch multiply for a year. It came to over a million.
quail cages should not be too tall. if they are too tall the quail try to fly, and then they get hurt. I had the really tiny quail, my cage was only 10 " tall. I had sliding doors on top to access and cleaning. you do not want to crowd the roosters. they get really abusive to each other.
Look up commercial cages and just copy their dimensions.
I once figured out how many quail you could end up with if you started out with just one pair and let each successive hatch multiply for a year. It came to over a million.
Now he tells me about quail math!:barnie
good morning, I tried to read every post, but got only this far.
I never thought I would be missed so much. I really appreciate that.
No room upstairs for my computer.
the operation went very well. I requested to stay in the hospital for the full three days. Their pain meds are better than what they send home with you.
I took pain meds only two day s after getting home. I was so nausiated that I figured I could handle the pain better. As it turned out the pain was only about a 2/10 .. at most time nil.
Nothing I could not bear.
I do PT twice a week. I really like it. My PT person is not much for conversation, but he really puts me through the grinder. I am exhauster for the rest of the day after each session.
I got a lot accomplished since the operation. I sit on my chair and watch Annie and Dan clean the garage.. It is about 95% finished.
then I sat and directed Dan to adjust the Carbureter on the tractor. Did some research and learned how to adjust the governor. Dan did the physical work, I just coached.
For his reward, I let him play with the tractor for about an hour. He back bladed the parking area and the area where the tomato farm was. all is nice and smooth again.
I am thinking of buying a box blade.
I have to ask around to see what width my tractor can handle. I am hoping a 60" ..
Annie is having a cataract removed. Dr told her the procedure is just seven minutes long.
I had both done years ago. piece o' cake.

So glad you are feeling well.
And you got down stairs to say hello. Swift healing
good morning, I tried to read every post, but got only this far.
I never thought I would be missed so much. I really appreciate that.
No room upstairs for my computer.
the operation went very well. I requested to stay in the hospital for the full three days. Their pain meds are better than what they send home with you.
I took pain meds only two day s after getting home. I was so nausiated that I figured I could handle the pain better. As it turned out the pain was only about a 2/10 .. at most time nil.
Nothing I could not bear.
I do PT twice a week. I really like it. My PT person is not much for conversation, but he really puts me through the grinder. I am exhauster for the rest of the day after each session.
I got a lot accomplished since the operation. I sit on my chair and watch Annie and Dan clean the garage.. It is about 95% finished.
then I sat and directed Dan to adjust the Carbureter on the tractor. Did some research and learned how to adjust the governor. Dan did the physical work, I just coached.
For his reward, I let him play with the tractor for about an hour. He back bladed the parking area and the area where the tomato farm was. all is nice and smooth again.
I am thinking of buying a box blade.
I have to ask around to see what width my tractor can handle. I am hoping a 60" ..
Annie is having a cataract removed. Dr told her the procedure is just seven minutes long.
I had both done years ago. piece o' cake.
Welcome back, happy to hear you're doing well.
good morning, I am sure liking these cool fall days. It can stay like this year round.
Yesterday I limited myself to just one trip down and up the basement stairs.
I spent a long time outside. I took Ollie's air cleaner all apart and decided it does not need a new filter element. It does need an 8" piece of flexible hose to connect to the carburetor.
another note about quail, don't bother making a nesting box for them to lay their eggs. they will not use it.

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