Boots, that's gotta hurt. sorry it happened.
I am happy to see that you are eating good perch.
Yesterday was productive. I fixed the tube for the oil pressure gauge. ended up costing just a
$1.20 fitting.
we amended and rototilled the spot for the garlic and got them planted. Covered with a foot of straw and now waiting for spring.

One of the people here in town had to find a new home for their flock of 12 week old pullets and I so wanted to take them. I don't know why they had to get rid of them immediately, but 8 more pullets would have been awesome. When we win the lottery I am so enlarging our property. :fl
12 lb turkey dinner this and a 13 lb er going in trade for feed
we pulled the piece of wire out of the lawn mower tire and patched the tube.
then mixed gas and oil and let Dan go cut up some downed tree branches. He has been chomping at the bit to do this. . He didn't last too long before he got winded. He smokes a lot.
today will be our last day of decent weather , probably until spring. .
Boots, I'll bet you can find room for those pullets.. You are not me, but if you were, you would take them and resell them.. Pullets are easy to sell.

don't feel too bad about your good weather, It's not your fault.
this afternoon Annie is going to have cataract surgery. Nephew Dan is driving her there.
. I am waiting until everyone is gone for one reason or another, then I am going to take a shower. privacy around here is at a premium.
Five adults with independent schedules..
.......jiminwisc...... .

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