Are you using a heat lamp or a brooder plate?

If the latter, make sure it's adjusted on a slant so that the chicks can get their backs right up against it.

Does your brooder have plenty of ventilation so that the chicks always have fresh air?
Brooder plate and yeah its on a slant and the brooder doesn't have a lid so I guess it has plenty of fresh air i usually have the ceiling fan on
Are you using a heat lamp or a brooder plate?

If the latter, make sure it's adjusted on a slant so that the chicks can get their backs right up against it.

Does your brooder have plenty of ventilation so that the chicks always have fresh air?
Brooder plate and yes its on a slant. And my brooder doesn't have a top plus the ceiling fans on low to circulate air in the room. The one ayam cemani has bounced by and is running around eating drinking like normal now so thankful for that and the other is back to standing up and moving around a lil bit but he stays under the brooder plate now. He was almost dead laying down not moving and at times on his side like he was dead so hopefully he bounces back and makes a full recovery
Brooder plate and yes its on a slant. And my brooder doesn't have a top plus the ceiling fans on low to circulate air in the room. The one ayam cemani has bounced by and is running around eating drinking like normal now so thankful for that and the other is back to standing up and moving around a lil bit but he stays under the brooder plate now. He was almost dead laying down not moving and at times on his side like he was dead so hopefully he bounces back and makes a full recovery
People using plastic totes and aquarian getting CO2 buildup.... also plastic can gas off.
Teflon coated cooking pans can gas off
How close is the fan and is it blowing down into the brooder?
The brooder is on the floor and the ceiling fan is about 8ft away. Also hope im not speaking to soon but both chicks are up and moving around when earlier I thought he was about dead im sooooo happy it pained me to see them goin down like that. Its only been a couple of days but I've become very attached to them and enjoying watching eat play and hearing there lil peeps.
If your brooder is a plastic tub it would be good to move them into something larger, that will not trap moisture in the bedding, and that can have both airflow and draft protection.

This is a very good setup that won't break the bank:
Nice setup, the tub is pretty big about 40 gallon and im using paper towels for bedding. I got the idea from someone on YouTube. They start off with papertowel then a week later switch to shaved pine I think but im goin with hemp bedding heard great thing about it. Back to the tub though lol it is meant to be temporary. Tomorrow im moving them into this
Screenshot_20230415-194308_Amazon Shopping.jpg
Nice setup, the tub is pretty big about 40 gallon and im using paper towels for bedding. I got the idea from someone on YouTube. They start off with papertowel then a week later switch to shaved pine I think but im goin with hemp bedding heard great thing about it. Back to the tub though lol it is meant to be temporary. Tomorrow im moving them into thisView attachment 3469098
That is brilliant. Nothing to build and when you're done you just collapse it and store it away for use later! How many chicks could it hold? Do you think the plastic would have any outgassing that would affect chicks?

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