I was wondering how you were doing. We got some strong storms, too, but after midnight.

I didn't mind the storms themselves so much but the weather alerts kept going off just as I would fall asleep after the last alert until I ended up wide awake for a couple hours in the middle of the night.

I am NOT a happy camper if I have my first sleep interrupted. :(

No damage done on my property and the birds are all fine.
I didn't mind the storms themselves so much but the weather alerts kept going off just as I would fall asleep after the last alert until I ended up wide awake for a couple hours in the middle of the night.

I am NOT a happy camper if I have my first sleep interrupted. :(

No damage done on my property and the birds are all fine.
The storms woke me up, and at the same time my dog was highly agitated. I had to take her out during a brief lull, about 1am.

I had a couple borage stalks snap off near the ground, but I think they'll resprout.
I almost always wake up 1-1.5 hours after I fall asleep. Then I will be awake for anywhere from 15 minutes (very rarely) to 3 hours (like last night). I cannot recall the last time I slept through the night.

I rarely sleep through, but if I can get those first few hours solid I'm OK with the later interruptions.
I got my mouth guard yesterday and didn't fall asleep until about 6 am. It feels tight where it holds onto my teeth. I can't close my.mouth, so it gets even dryer than usual. I wake up get a drink, go pee, repeat all night.
It gets old with all of these medical problems. I have very little energy for anything. I realized today, more animals need to go. Am not getting any younger.

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