just a thought,
if your truck is in pretty good shape, other than
the tranny, maybe $45oo.oo would be worth fixing it.
what are you going to find for that amount ? and what
shape will a different truck be in ?
If you could get three more years out of it, ? $15oo.oo/per year ..
just my thought..

That's a wise thought.

Used vehicles are so hard to get right now.
just a thought,
if your truck is in pretty good shape, other than
the tranny, maybe $45oo.oo would be worth fixing it.
what are you going to find for that amount ? and what
shape will a different truck be in ?
If you could get three more years out of it, ? $15oo.oo/per year ..
just my thought..
The thing is, it was the tubing that caused the whole problem. How many other things have tubes or electrical parts that have decayed. ?

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