Hen’s Ear Lobe Very Swollen- Not Sensitive, Slightly Warm


Apr 8, 2024
I noticed this afternoon that my hen, Thundercloud, has a swollen ear lobe. She is still eating and drinking fine. Doesn’t appear to be sensitive to touch, and her ear looks okay as far as I know. The swollen area seems slightly warm (almost same temp) compared to reg lobe- we are in AZ and it’s 70°. Her other lobe looks normal. They are free range, except we lock them in the coop at night for safety. Coop has pine pellets with pine shavings on top. I don’t know if I can buy some VetRX at the pet supply store or if she will need more care. Also how to know if it’s sinus related, a respiratory issue, or what I don’t know. I really don’t want to lose her, or for her to be in pain, or unwell. I hope the pics are okay she’s in the shade.
Okay, so, the swollen ear lobe as of yesterday seems to have gotten a bit less swollen as the top part of the sac isn’t as rounded and more wrinkled like BUT I felt the part that was still swollen and it felt more firm than it did the day before. Should I still just monitor over next few days for it continuing to go down, & if by tomorrow or the next day it’s getting worse and not better, do I then try some VetRX or some kind of antibiotic? I’ll try to get a current pic sent to me- unfortunately I’m at work all day today.
I would keep monitoring if she were my chicken. Insect stings can take a week or more to subside and sometimes look worse before they’re better - in humans at least. I imagine it’s similar for animals. VetRX probably won’t help, it’s more like Vicks vapor rub would be to us, but maybe some ointment like neosporin around the sting entry wouldn’t hurt. Make sure it isn’t the kind with pain relief in it, though.

ETA: I’ve seen where people give their chickens children’s Benadryl for stings, but I could not tell you the dose or if it’s a good idea in this case. Someone with a lot more knowledge than me will hopefully see your update and reply with more helpful advice.
Let me call in some experts @Eggcessive @Wyorp Rock.

Can you see any scratches, bites, scabs of any sort on the ear lobe? Also, have you checked the ear canal?
Update and Reply to Alinas:

update on my hen. Her ear canals are totally clear, no mites, no pus, or sign of infection, but may be a puncture wound on the ear lobe- I’m guessing a bite of some kind? Here’s a better pic of the lobe and what I think is the puncture area (it’s that little black dot towards the bottom):
Is that a red area above the ear in the first picture? I cannot see it in the other pictures. I wonder if she could have been stung by a tick? Those can cause swelling and bluish discoloring. The little spot on the ear could be a sting mark of a tick or a bee.
Hello, and Welcome to BYC! I've never dealt with a swollen ear before, but everything I've seen on here says to monitor and check for mites, epically in and around her ears. I would also do a search on this site for swollen ears and see if you can't turn anything else up.

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