Hen for sure, I think red prodution


10 Years
Mar 23, 2009
Marysville Ohio
My son was given this lovely lady for free! We just adore her! Had her from a day old (TSC freebee) she is Sweet and just the BEST! She started laying about 10 days ago she has laid 10 eggs and my only current layer!
Let me know what you think, I think shes a red production.


She loves treats, and to free range (also known as following us around EVERYWHERE) She is pretty much now the head hen but nice to the others and shes a piggy!
Looks almost just like my red sexlink Queenie from the "assorted reds" bin at TSC. She's my favorite hen, the only one tame enough to consider a "pet". She's the queen of the flock and buddy with the rooster. All around my hen with the best personality and my favorite buddy!

LUCKY you!
By the way her name is chicken nugget (4 year old named her his favorite thing)
Here are baby pictures

She is the tiny thing on the far left!
I was hoping for a definite answer, because my oldest hen look just like you new hen. We never were sure of her breed, so she was named M&M (Mystery Meat).
I hope she is not as sweet as mine and if she is you can't eat her, you have to ship her to me! LOL
You know as a chick she was mean till she was about 2 months old and then she got all sweet and cuddly (a little too cuddly with my tomato plants!) and even though you can see the pecking order, she is not one bit mean, and she is the most tame thing ever!!!!
she's typical Gold sex-link (Golden Comet, Red Star, ISA Brown,Golden Buff some call them red sex-links) which are a hybrid production type brown egglayer.

very good layers of large brown eggs

I have 5 of them and they are the most gentle pullets I think I've ever raised about as bad as my dogs ,always in the way and under your feet while tyring to feed all the others.


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