Hen is very sleep


In the Brooder
Nov 23, 2020
I have a hen who just all of a sudden started sleeping.She was very active she liked to run outside but now she just stands and falls asleep.I do have a rooster who also has been almost like snoring when he i pick him up.But im worried about my hen she is 1 year old buff orpington she has laid many eggs.Also she hasn't been eating only drinking water.
I have a hen who just all of a sudden started sleeping.She was very active she liked to run outside but now she just stands and falls asleep.I do have a rooster who also has been almost like snoring when he i pick him up.But im worried about my hen she is 1 year old buff orpington she has laid many eggs.Also she hasn't been eating only drinking water.
Can you post some photos of the birds and their poop?
What do you feed?
Where are you located in the world?

Does your hen still lay eggs?

Do you mean they are sleeping during the day?
Check them over for lice/mites, make sure their crops are emptying overnight, look for any discharge from the nostrils, lesions inside the beak or take note of any respiratory symptoms like coughing/sneezing.

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