Hen Laid Really Strange Object (graphic Pics)

Looking at yours and the one in the photos above, I would say the inside reminds me of a VERY rotted egg. I know it smells like chicken and all, but thats just my theory. I'll have to agree that an egg must have gotten stuck inside her and rotted. If the next one is normal, I would by no means worry about it. I will say that if she survived egg binding, she is lucky.
All jokes and eggrolls aside, IMHO, this looks like a mummified fetus. Obviously the hen usually lays the egg and then sits on it until it hatches, but is it possible that if a hen is eggbound with a fertile egg that it could partially develop inside of her?

Why do I click on threads titled "Hen Laid Really Strange Object (graphic pics)"

Seriously, I hope someone can come up with a good explanation for this, that isn't tooooo gross.

Skydobb--that is a very good observation, and the heat of her body would develop the fetus.
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Thanks for all the quick responses tonight! It seems like the consensus is that she was likely egg bound yet was showing no signs other than having not layed an egg in a while which I thought was a result of the trauma from her pecking incident...I am apparently very lucky that she has passed this object on her own and that she has not died as a result of it....I will continue to watch her and hope to get another normal egg in the coming days...I will keep everyone updated and thanks for all your opinions and concerns...Would it be likely that she would have any more of these rotten eggs inside her?

I think the idea of a mummified fetus sounds pretty logical except that there is no rooster present to fertilize the eggs...
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lol eeewwwwww
both ewww and more ewwww. I can't even look into eggs that didn't hatch. I have no stomach for it
come to think on it I don't think Ill be able to eat eggrolls anymore either, specially chicken flavored ones..
I have read that if they do not get enough calcium that the egg doesn't become hard enough, and can become difficult to push out. Is she on a layer feed? I would also make sure she has oyster shell available at all times. You could also give her a tums right now--can someone give the instructions for giving that? I am unclear on that.

Perhaps the embryo started to develop without fertilization? is that possible? thinking it through.....
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That's what I was thinking. I wonder if that's possible?

In theory....maybe bc hens body temp is close enough I think, but she said there is no roo to fertilize the egg.

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