hen (not broody or threatened) making sustained growling noise

How long have you had this bird?
Have you brought any new to you birds home in the last few months?
Ever have to treat for a respiratory disease before?
I've had her since she was a chick, and the rest of the brood have been with her since day 1. They are 26 weeks and in lay. She has no symptoms of respiratory issues. She's walking around foraging and meanwhile mooing and occasionally giving out a squeak or a hiccup. Interesting that she does not moo or squeak when she's bent over foraging.

Googling around and BYG brought me to a post about stridor in chickens, which is caused by an obstacle in her throat. I've given her water and a little veg oil; she'll be in the chicken jail tonight because the other birds are starting to pick on her. Will update on her progress.

BYC post here https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/chicken-making-strange-sound-when-breathing.1574908/
It sounded like stridor to me. There may have been a bit of feed etc, stuck in her airway, it happens. It usually resolves on it's own with a bit of time, if that's the case. I've also had some do it when they got over heated, and it would resolve once they cooled off. If you ever have a bird with it persistently, then it could be a respiratory infection. Always a good idea when it persists to look in the beak and throat for something obvious.
Glad she's doing fine!

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