Hen not laying

Pamela Wercinski

Oct 11, 2020
Hello. I read your article regarding hens not laying. I have 4 hens and noticed only 3 hens were laying for 3 days. I started to use a light the past few weeks because they were not getting 14 hours of light a day. The hens are 10 months old. 4 days ago which would be the 5 day of her not laying. Bridgette was cooing and not moving much; I realized it was her not laying. I put her in warm water and I had to go in the hen and retrieved 2 eggs. One broken and 1 whole Since doing this she is very timid and secluded herself either in the coop or the yard and has not lay an egg. I soaked Bridgette in warm water 2 other times and have been giving her yogurt. I have to bring her out of the coop as well. She does not look like she is in much distress like she did the day I went to get the eggs. How long does this behavior last? I’m afraid she has PTSD from me getting her egg
You could add electrolytes in their water to help with stress. Maybe some scrambled eggs will help her start eating more.
Being this young, I wouln't think she is molting but I want to double check to see if she is molting by chance.
Has she lost any feathers? Some chickens lose almost all their feathers while some only lose their tail feathers and under the neck.
If molting, chickens stop laying for the molting season.
Has she lost any feathers? Some chickens lose almost all their feathers while some only lose their tail feathers and under the neck.
If molting, chickens stop laying for the molting season.
No I dont notice any Missing feathers she is just walking around slow and avoiding the other 3

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