Hen not walking, falling over.


Aug 6, 2020
Southern California
I have an Americana hen that is 8 months old and started to lay eggs. She is not walking around, and she is just standing, because if she does try to walk, then she'll fall over. She's been exhibiting symptoms since yesterday. No birds are exhibiting the same symptoms. She may be eggbound, as she has not laid an egg for a couple of days.
Can you check her vent to see if you feel an egg in there? Sorry, I don’t have any experience with an issue like this, but at least you can rule out whether she’s egg bound or not, then go from there.
This could be numerous things honestly. Obviously one could be Marek’s Disease, but it could also be a vitamin deficiency. Does she currently lay? Sometimes birds that are egg bound can act like this.
Is the lameness in one leg or both? This sounds gross, but if you or your parent could insert a clean or gloved finger inside her vent 1-2 inches, to feel for a stuck egg, that would be helpful. Since she laid a soft egg recently, I would give her a 1/2 calcium tablet or Tums orally now. Has she been eating and drinking today? She needs to be separated in a dog crate or pen with food and water right now so the others will not hurt her. Hopefully, she is eggbound, but hopefully, it is not Mareks disease.

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