Hen or Roo? Hermaphrodite Silkie?


Nov 5, 2020
OK guys... This one is funny. Ive been calling him a "he" for 2 years and "his" name is Roo. Now I think maybe it's a hen who just feathered differently and acts differently 😂 I can't say for sure if she's laid an egg before or not.

Reasons why I thought he was a he:
1) Head feathers: they are not poofy and look different from all our other silkies.

2) His comb is larger than our other silkie hens

3) His waddles are larger than our other silkie hens

4) He acts differently than the other silkie hens, is always keeping them in check and showing them where food is even if he doesn't eat it himself.

5) He would snuggle with his favorite other silkie hen all the time

6) Whenever I go out there he is doing this "alarm" sound. It sounds sort of like a loud yoddle. He's the only one that does it.

Reasons I think he's a hen:
1) His spur nails are small like a hen
2) He's never cockadoodledoo'ed ever and he's 2 years old
3) Other people's silkie roos look larger and more upright
4) He sits in the nesting box often on others eggs

So what's up? Is he just a unique hen?? He acts totally different than our other silkies and hes the sweetest thing, loves to cuddle.
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I don't think you have a hermaphrodite, no.

I think you've got either got a hen with compromised ovaries or a rooster with compromised testes, as in only one working or they just didn't develop properly, or it has an adrenal condition that suppresses hormones like perhaps a tumour.
I don't think you have a hermaphrodite, no.

I think you've got either got a hen with compromised ovaries or a rooster with compromised testes, as in only one working or they just didn't develop properly, or it has an adrenal condition that suppresses hormones like perhaps a tumour.
Thank you, I think you may be right although I do not know the health implications of any of those conditions.
I actually think it looks more like a hen with perhaps too much testosterone or too little oestrogen than a rooster with the equivalent. More hen like than roo in appearance, but with an enlarged comb that is sort of halfway between. But it has a hen crest, spurs and body shape.

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