Hen or Roo???


6 Years
Mar 27, 2013
Cache oklahoma
:pSo.....we got peeps when she was a couple days old. She has been snuggly and sweet until recently. Now, we are starting to believe that she is in fact a he. I stepped into the coop tonight and Peeps viciously attacked my feet and ankles. I had on flip flops and actually drew blood. I had to swat at her to make her let go. My other hen bought from the same place, same day do not act that way at all. They are friendly but not bold like peeps. Is peeps possibly a rooster?

The others don't hardly have combs. However Peeps hasn't made the rooster noise yet and we got him February 22nd.... :( Peeps is my babe and I'm quite upset about being attacked. I spend quite a lot of time with my 7 chickens... Especially peeps.

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