Hen or Rooster????


5 Years
Jun 30, 2014
Small town, Illinois

This chicken is 7 months old. Shes not laying eggs, doesn't crow, not much wattle but notice the tail feathers. Shes larger than the rest too. I bought these chickens from a farmers flea market so they are mixed & may not all be accurately described as layers! Mostly australorps with some reddish brown mix. They are all suppose to be hens but I figured id get a male !
What do you think???
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Definite cockerel. Notice the pointy saddle and hackle feathers. Also, the red in the shoulder area. May not be crowing if you have a dominate rooster or just an imdividual thing.


Only boys have the pretty feathers hanging down in front of the tail (saddle feathers). Same for the neck feathers. They're not as noticable on this boy yet, but they will be as he matures. Plus, reddish patched of color in the wings are also a male trait.
Most likely a rooster, but the carriage is not right. A good rooster at six months will have a fully erect carriage and fully developed comb and wattle. Should also be crowing. If having a rooster is something you want you should definitely get one. I would not allow this one to reproduce.

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