Hen pecked by other hen and now hurt and won't eat! please help


5 Years
Jul 9, 2014
Hello i have 2 game hens that recently just hatched off some eggs. our red one hatched off two eggs and the yellow one ten. we seen the yellow one with her babies about a week ago for the first time. then we left for four days and had a friend who is scared of chickens feed and eater them for us, but our chickens are all free range. while we were gone the red hen pecked all the feathers out of the yellow ones head and now she looks terrible. her eyes are closed and she isn't doing much. she isn't eating or drinking. i have isolated her by herself so i can keep a eye on her and am cleaning her up everyday and giving her water with some vinegar in it. i can't figure out how to make her eat though. i have searched far and wide across the internet and haven't found anything. today as i was walking out to get her to water her and try to clean her up she is pulling her feathers out. i have given her some vitamins and other stuff but i am worried about her.
Unless she somehow has brain damage, she likely just needs time to recuperate. Give her time alone with her chicks (if they're still alive?) Keep feed and water available but don't force it. Maybe provide some fresh fruits like nectarines or pears to remind her how tasty food is.
all of the chicks are still alive. she is just so weak she can't hold her head up. all her chicks look good though
For energy, feed it sugar water. If it wont take it, dunk the of its bill under water. If it still wont take the water, put a bead of the water on top of its beak. When the water bead runs down its beak, it will probably annoy it and it will drink the water bead. Good luck!!!
Yeah if she is unable to hold her head up I would say take her head and carefully place her beak halfway into the water. She doesn't sound good though, sounds like she is getting worse. I can't imagine getting her feathers pulled would cause so much damage. BTW, the feathers that she is pulling is probably just a broody trait. My hens have done that before too.

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