Hen standing funny - bad sign or just being moody?


Jun 4, 2022
Not totally sure what to make of this, but often I find her standing like this. She was our rescue and we took her to a vet in February or March or so and she was very healthy. I guess since she's been through so much unknown trials and tribulations I'm concerned about every little weird thing I notice. Should I actually be concerned at all or am i just overthinking it?

She is a beautiful hen but she looks to me as if she is not feeling well. Is it really hot where you are? Do you know her age? Is she laying? Make sure she is not being prevented from getting plenty of food and fresh water. Sometimes birds can bully others away from feed and water. It's always good to have more than one feeder and water bowl so everyone gets equal access. Do her poops look normal?
Feel her tummy, does it feel swollen and tight? Just some things to consider.
When I have a bird looking like that until I gather more info I try to check on them more often. When they are not active usually something is amiss.
Maybe you can check some of the things I mentioned. If you think she is getting sick, make a new post in the Emergencies forum with more info. There are some folks there that are really good helping to figure things out.

Also consider adding a general location (state, country) to your profile. Your climate is important and people can give better targeted help!

I hope your bird is fine. I always concerned when my birds act different, too.

Welcome to BYC! :jumpy :welcome :bun
Should I actually be concerned at all or am i just overthinking it?
I remember this lovely Le Fleche lady! (possibly frightened by fireworks if your new years eve is anything like mine is locally) To be honest I overthink every thing, EVERY T-H-I-N-G.

It's possible this is how she's napping, though it's not what I *usually* see in a napping hen.

It could be a sign of discomfort stemming from something like EYP or salpingitis.. I remember you had gotten a first egg.. Has she been laying at all? How does her abdomen right between her legs feel compared to your other birds? Is there any swelling and squishiness like water belly symptoms? I figure that would have been caught by the vet, but it's worth asking when ruling things out.

It does seem like a sign of discomfort somewhere to me. But if her other behavior is usual.. still eating, drinking, and being responsive/interactive.. then I wouldn't worry too much.

Hopefully you will get more feedback from other experienced keepers/members. @Eggcessive , @Wyorp Rock , @azygous .. I try not to over tag y'all realizing you will respond to the threads which draw your interest and expertise.. TIA for your care and consideration!
Not totally sure what to make of this, but often I find her standing like this. She was our rescue and we took her to a vet in February or March or so and she was very healthy. I guess since she's been through so much unknown trials and tribulations I'm concerned about every little weird thing I notice. Should I actually be concerned at all or am i just overthinking it?

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She seems to not be feeling well, her posture as well as her squinty eyes is a sign of a sick hen.
How does her crop feel when squished? Also, have you noticed her crop being full in the morning?
What is she fed? How do you provide calcium?
You also might consider feeling for an egg, as egg binding is a possibility.

*Oh, and.. :welcome
Thanks for the replies!

She is a beautiful hen but she looks to me as if she is not feeling well. Is it really hot where you are?
not yet. Supposed to be 80f today though.
Do you know her age? Is she laying? Make sure she is not being prevented from getting plenty of food and fresh water. Sometimes birds can bully others away from feed and water. It's always good to have more than one feeder and water bowl so everyone gets equal access. Do her poops look normal?
We don't know her age - vet said she was under a year old though. She started laying then stopped when we introduced two chicks to give her a flock.

The youngest pullet is now much bigger than her and has been crowing a lot and challenging her status at the top of the pecking order.

This morning the younger girl tried squaring up wuth Hapi (the pictured) and Hapi kicked her butt. It wasn't super violent just jumping around so I dont think she was hurt.

She is eating less, like she doesnt seem to like how obnoxious the other girls act about food and doesn't bother. We will bring her in and feed her separately when she decides she doesn't want to deal with it but it all seems just behavioral.

Her poops are great. Except the cloacc-y one in the morning those can go away forever. I mean they're fine too they just smell awful
Feel her tummy, does it feel swollen and tight? Just some things to consider.
I'll have to catch her and check. My wife took her out this morning and if it felt weird she would've noticed.
When I have a bird looking like that until I gather more info I try to check on them more often. When they are not active usually something is amiss.
She's just hanging out with the other girls under their coop right now.
Maybe you can check some of the things I mentioned. If you think she is getting sick, make a new post in the Emergencies forum with more info. There are some folks there that are really good helping to figure things out.
Will do!
Also consider adding a general location (state, country) to your profile. Your climate is important and people can give better targeted help!
Next time for sure! Portland, OR so the climate has been pretty muggy and wet lately
I remember this lovely Le Fleche lady! (possibly frightened by fireworks if your new years eve is anything like mine is locally) To be honest I overthink every thing, EVERY T-H-I-N-G.

It's possible this is how she's napping, though it's not what I *usually* see in a napping hen.
Yeah she's done it before and we thought she was napping. I just figured since I'm on the brain trust forums I would ask and stop just getting anxiety lol
It could be a sign of discomfort stemming from something like EYP or salpingitis.. I remember you had gotten a first egg.. Has she been laying at all? How does her abdomen right between her legs feel compared to your other birds? Is there any swelling and squishiness like water belly symptoms? I figure that would have been caught by the vet, but it's worth asking when ruling things out.
She stopped laying after she went broody and we tried introducing the chicks to her. I think we must've messed up doing that cause she hasnt laid but once or twice since and is kinda ornery and grumpy now. Her belly seems fine.
It does seem like a sign of discomfort somewhere to me. But if her other behavior is usual.. still eating, drinking, and being responsive/interactive.. then I wouldn't worry too much.
That's the problem- we never know what is 'normal' with her. Whatever the hell she went through seems to have changed her emotional state significantly.
Hopefully you will get more feedback from other experienced keepers/members. @Eggcessive , @Wyorp Rock , @azygous .. I try not to over tag y'all realizing you will respond to the threads which draw your interest and expertise.. TIA for your care and consideration!
She seems to not be feeling well, her posture as well as her squinty eyes is a sign of a sick hen.
How does her crop feel when squished? Also, have you noticed her crop being full in the morning?
What is she fed? How do you provide calcium?
You also might consider feeling for an egg, as egg binding is a possibility.

*Oh, and.. :welcome
Her crop was actually kinda empty last night so we got her to eat. She's been eating the starter feed so the other birbs don't get the calcium from the layer feed. But my wife cooks them dinner every night from combinations of eggs, oats,apples,tomatoes,basil,and other things.

We also have a ton of lemon balm around the outside coop that they love to munch on. But the other girls seem fine
She doesn't look like she feels well.

I'd check to make sure her crop is emptying overnight. It wouldn't hurt to give her 1 Calcium Citrate once a day for a few days just in case she's having trouble expelling an egg.
Since you have vet care, then getting a fecal float to check for Coccidiosis and Worms is not a good idea, but if that's not possible, I'd consider treating for both. I understand she's not quite "new" to you and your property, but if a hen is not all that well and the weather is wet and warm, then parasites can flourish.
Corid is the treatment for Coccidiosis and Fenbedazole (Safeguard) is a good dewormer to use.

Encourage her to drink and eat her normal feed. Unless she's being picked on, I'd leave her with her flock. Less stress on them and they seem happier in their own "environment" even when not all that well.

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