Hen trying to roost in trees


7 Years
Apr 1, 2012
Mooresboro, North Carolina
They are only about 16 weeks, and we've been letting them free range for about 2 weeks now. They go back in the coop at night, and I go out right before dark to check and close the coop. Saturday, my chickens were out free ranging and we went to dinner. I didn't expect to be out late, but we got back after dark. When I went out to the coop I was one hen short. I was a little upset, but no way to search in the dark I went to bed. In the morning she was back, got her in the coop all was fine. Tonight, I went out to put them up, it wasn't dark yet but one hen (assume the same one) wasn't in the coop with the rest of them. I looked around for a minute and heard her near the trees. I go over there and find her way up in a tree.

Why does she not want to go in the coop? I've never had an issue with one not going in at night. She won't survive out ther on her own in the dark, she got lucky that one night. I hate to not let them free range but I'd hate to lose her... Thoughts.?
Roosting in a tree in itself is not a death sentence. If you have good predator control, then they can roost in trees year round. I assume you have doubts about your predator control so getting bird back into coop is a priority. First address why she moved. Do you have enough roost space? Are your birds having difficulties with the heat?
Yea, we always have had guineas we let roost in the trees and they just get picked off one by one. Not super quick, but they don't normally last the year. We don't even get them anymore because I don't really like losing them!

The roost may very well be the issue. I didn't even think about that. They have plenty of space, but the storm knocked a side one of our roosts down a few weeks ago and we put it back up but it still isn't right. This morning I had to prop it back up because it got loose again. I will get my husband to get it fixed correctly. I guess I have been a little lazy about it.


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