Hen Walking Backwards with Head Down


Sep 4, 2021
Upstate, NY
Hello! I noticed one of my Hens, Dorothy, acting odd last week. She puts her head down and takes a few steps backwards, then walks forward, and then does it again. Otherwise her behavior is normal. She is eating, drinking, and foraging. Her poop is watery and looks a little mucousy like egg whites. She is laying eggs fine though.

Anyone have any idea what this could be? Is it something to worry about?
How old is she and what exactly have you been feeding?
She will be a year in August. She eats layer feed, and I let them forage around the yard daily while I watch them.
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She will be a year in August. She eats layer feed, and I let them forage around the yard daily while I watch them.
Do you feed treats?
When was the last/most recent time you brought any new birds home?
Can you take a short clear video of her now?
Occasionally they get soldier worm larva, romaine, grapes, cottage cheese... all in small amounts.

We adopted a hen in March. We quarantined. All get along great and I haven't noticed any issues between any of them.

I will try to get a video of her tomorrow.

I read it could be a Vitamin E deficiency. I'm not sure why that would happen to only her though and no one else.
Occasionally they get soldier worm larva, romaine, grapes, cottage cheese... all in small amounts.

We adopted a hen in March. We quarantined. All get along great and I haven't noticed any issues between any of them.

I will try to get a video of her tomorrow.

I read it could be a Vitamin E deficiency. I'm not sure why that would happen to only her though and no one else.
What does occasionally mean?

It's only likely for a bird to have vitamin deficiencies if they're fed treats often... And they don't eat enough of the complete balanced feed.
Could be a neurological issue, either due to some deficiency or injury. I had an EE which would do something similar to what you described, and best we could tell it was a nervous twitch (or actual minor damage) from being pecked in the head by more dominant birds.
Walking backward is a bad sign, it usually indicates brain damage or a neurological condition. If it's an open crested breed, it could be a head injury, but it can also be an illness like coryza, kinky-back, marek's, etc.

Can indeed also be caused by vitamin E or selenium deficiencies that hit the nervous system. I would add tuna to the diet and search for a vet.

source: https://www.chickenfans.com/chickens-walk-backward/#why
I really hope it's not a neurological issue. I love her and it would kill me to lose her. She acts and eats fine other than this issue.

I will give her tuna and reduce/stop all treats.

Fingers crossed!
Oh, I forgot to mention, she is a Rhode Island Red. I don't see any injuries to her head from pecking, but my other hen, Roxanne, is definitely at the top of the pecking order, and does assert her dominance.

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