hen walking side-ways, please help!

Hey what ended up happening with your "drunk" walker. One of my ladies is going through a crazy heavy molt and doing the same kind of walk that yours did. I'd love to know how it worked out.
It turned out fine. :) She walked around drunk for a few days; I really upped her protein for about a week. (Raw oatmeal, Greek yogurt watered down with a little buttermilk and with finely chopped scrambled eggs mixed in, freeze dried mealworms.) She was much better after about a week-- not so much staggering around, but still a little weak. After two weeks she was 100% better and had beginnings of new feathers. A couple weeks after that, she was fully, beautifully newly feathered. :) That was a HARD molt on her! Full (and sudden!) molt in a few days, then fully feathered and laying in about a month. Took my other girls at least 2 months to do the same.

Hope your girl feels better soon! Extra protein does help!
Hey what ended up happening with your "drunk" walker. One of my ladies is going through a crazy heavy molt and doing the same kind of walk that yours did. I'd love to know how it worked out.
I increased the protein for my hen too. Before long she was back to normal and fully feathered. Her new feathers are a really dark, beautiful color. You can pick her out from the other Buffs. None of my other hens have ever had that problem, and I am hoping that don't in the future. That was really hard on her. Now, even though she is almost 3 years old, I get a beautiful egg from her every other day.

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