Hen with swollen eyes can't seem to find a disease


8 Years
Mar 3, 2011
I have a hen with swollen eyes and don't know what's wrong with her . Her comb is normal bit around the eyes is pale and swollen Red mites? Here are some pics:
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She's been in isolation for a couple of days now. She's eating and drinking still, but her vision is almost totally obstructed. Any advice?
Wow, poor thing! I have no idea what could be going on. Hopefully someone will come along soon to help you! Just keep her isolated from the others, for sure though! Good luck!
My hen fights. I thought her right eye was gone, but it was horribly swollen. It resolved in two weeks without treatment. Of course, that's just one eye. Do you have any Erythromycin eye ointment sitting around. It's prescription for pink eye in humans. Personally, I'd take her to the vet.
My rooster had a swollen eye, not nearly this bad, but I treated it by rinsing with a saline eye wash and applying neosporin twice a day. I was using an rx ointment that I had, but it didn't work as well as the neosporin. I'm not sure he can see out of the one eye, but it healed fine. I wasted about 4 good days trying to use the rx, and I saw dramatic results with the neosporin in only 2.

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