Hen with swollen legs after death of another in flock

It’s good that you have the professionals working on an answer. The needle aspiration could have gotten a few cells to look at under a microscope for a gram stain or to get a PCR test. I have never had to deal with it before.

Most things that cause swelling in the legs are bacterial infection (including MS,) articular gout, and marble leg syndrome, a type of avian leukosis. All 3 look different. Gout causes swelling of both the feet and legs. Marble leg causes a thick hardened leg with normal looking feet. Synovitis including MS causes the ankles to appear swoolen and firm. Below and on the next post are pictures of each one.


Marble leg disease (leukosis)
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Where did the speckled sussex come from? Is it possible they could have picked up the infection from a previous home or breeder, and it is just now showing up? Most of mycoplasma infections (as well as other infectious diseases) come from a carrier bird, and the chicken can have the disease in a latent form. When stress occurs, say during a molt or cold winter weather, some may start showing symptoms.
Did the other bird that died have swollen legs too? MS does kill if not addressed.

There is a virus that can cause severe arthritis that looks like this too.

Definitely see if your vet can run some tests, blood work and such and maybe he/she can help you figure this out.

Keep us posted! :)
The one that died, Lizzie, had growths on her feet, but not swollen legs.
I am not a vet nor do I have experience with any of those diagnoses, but just wanted to show the differences. As @dawg53 previously posted, there also is a synovitis caused by virus as well as bacteria. Very few of us ever get lab work in our chickens, unless we send a body to the state vet for a necropsy,but we learn a lot here from others posting about their animals.

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