Hen with very enlarged abdomen, please help!


Faith & Feathers
11 Years
May 1, 2011
Olathe, Kansas
My red sex-link hen, Peach, is 3 years old. A while ago I noticed that she was getting bigger, but I just thought she was gaining weight. It's been a long time, and I think she's slowly just been getting bigger. Today I went to pick her up and I had trouble because she was so heavy. I realized how large her abdomen was when I felt her bottom rub against my arm.
She doesn't jump up on the perch at night, and instead sleeps in the nest box. When I go to put the girls up for the night they all come running, except for Peach, who waddles. I don't think she's in pain, but if she is I feel terrible because I haven't done anything about it. I can't remember when this started, but it's probably been up to 9 or 10 months.
So what do you think, internal laying? How much do you think it might cost for surgery?
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Does she lay an egg?

Does she eats normally?

How is her poops? What do they look like?

I am not an expert, so others will reply and help you soon.

I hope your chicken will feel better. My chicken's abdomen is swollen too. :( Good luck.
Thank you so much for your reply.
I do not see Peach throughout the day very much because her and 3 other hens live at my grandma's house because we are not allowed to have chickens where I live. However I still have bantam sized house chickens at my house, but Peach and her sisters are standard sized so it would be harder to keep them inside.
So to answer that question, I don't know if she has been laying, eating, or pooping normally. I could consider the possibility of bringing her home for a few days to examine her, but I don't know if that would go through with my parents.
She could be egg bound can you feel a egg shapped lump if so you could try putting her tummy and cloacca in warm water hope shes ok
Firstly - sorry that Peaches is unwell - I know how distressing it can be to have sick animals.
I had several hens a few years ago with very similar symptoms - is the abdomen hard or more 'squishy' to touch?
Unfortunately it sounds like an internal laying problem which has probably become infected. I've heard some people on here have used antibiotics for the infection but, without the surgery, it will keep occurring. For the 3 hens I have had with similar problems (all red sex-links) I have just kept an eye on them, they seemed to get around ok for several months but eventually it interfered with their mobility, they lost their appetite and generally started to seem depressed. At this point when their quality of life seemed affected I made the decision to euthanise them
but this is a personal decision and you have to access your own situation.
They can live for a while with this condition and not seem too affected, hopefully that is the case for Peaches. Good luck.
I think that you need to give Peach antibiotics, like Penicillin or Baytril for 7-10 days.

I have given my chicken who has the same symptoms penicillin, her abdomen got smaller now, and she eats and drinks as well.

She also needs a warm bath too when she tries to sit down to lay an egg... she may have a blockage.
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I think that you need to give Peach antibiotics, like Penicillin or Baytril for 7-10 days.

I have given my chicken who has the same symptoms penicillin, her abdomen got smaller now, and she eats and drinks as well.

She also needs a warm bath too when she tries to sit down to lay an egg... she may have a blockage.

Sorry!! Penicillin for 7 days, Baytril for 5 days!! If she still feels bad, you can give her the med in 14 days with the same dose.

Your hen is just like mine.. egg yolk peritonitis. She has probably been ill from the infection as like e-coli besides have some fluids in her belly, and then develop some problem like tumor, or cancer..

It has been so good so far as soon as I keep her in the dark and warm place ( NO night light at her room ) for at least 20 hours. Giving her human calcium, and vitamin D also.
It is better to feed her whatever she likes to eat. My hen loves to super worms ( alive), dried meal worms, crickets, oats, berries etc...

How is she doing now?

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