Hens in Northeastern PA

My current for sale list,

1 trio of White Rock bantams

1 delaware hen

Well my dream hens would be bantams or more specifically silkies that are tame and can be picked up...but I'll take anything that won't crow as long as it's tame.

chicken stalker, I know I can't get to NY though since I have no reliable transportation... unless you come up this way. (or would like to make me really really happy)

I'd love to take your Delaware hen but again I can't really drive anywhere far...


I'd basically be keeping them as pets. I don't care if they lay or not, to my understanding they all lay? I'd want to see if I could get them broody someday and hatch ducklings, or chicks, or some other bird...if you can even do that with them?
Here's the deal, I"m maybe drving up through pennsylvania this Spring to get a ton of chicks for my 4-h. I can stop by you and drop of something if you want...

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