Hens not laying eggs

I am in the same boat! I have 12 Buff Orpington hens and 3 roosters and my hens are 7 months old and I only get 2-3 eggs a day! They 3 laying have been doing so for about 2 weeks. Their combs are getting very red. They should be laying by now shouldn't they? Also, they are in the coop during the day but let out around 3 when I get home. Should I put lights in my coop? they have 2 large windows.
What do I do? Keep waiting?
I have a related question; (sorry for highjacking) We are getting about 13 hours of daylight right now and decreasing rapidly. If some of my pullets are at the age of laying (7 months) but haven't yet, do I need to supplement their light to get those first eggs? Or, to put it another way, will they actually go all winter long without laying if I don't intervene to give them 14-15 hours?
what happened to the pictures???
all i get to see is a blank white square...
It's an old post in 2009. I'm sure they know by now whether or not they have roosters.
It's an old post in 2009. I'm sure they know by now whether or not they have roosters.

i'm gonna have to pay more attention to the dates when people add to old posts...

and i hope you're right, Nicole01, after TWO YEARS they should know by now...
I have a question (since this post is so old). Only 2 of the 3 day-olds I got 6 months ago are laying. Rudi is the brown one in these pictures. Is she a roo?

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