Hens or Roos?


In the Brooder
Apr 24, 2016
I have 8 mixed breed chicks that have just turned 3 months old. I am a first time chicken owner and am not quite sure how to sex my chickens. Four of them have just sprouted combs and wattles, but some are redder than others. Please share your guess for the gender of each bird, we are looking for second opinions.

The first bird is little Penga (suspected hen)

The second one is Penny (one of the favorites that has just sprouted a comb)

The third is Lucy (suspected hen)

The fourth is Sunny (suspected roo)

The fifth is shoulder rider Amelia (suspected hen)

The sixth is our absolute favorite Ray Ray (almost definite roo)

The seventh one is shy little Beatrice (suspected hen)

Last but not least is Charlotte (recently sprouted comb that is pinker than others)
Could you get better pictures of Charlotte, Sunny, and Penny (also Pengas tail, thought I doubt she/he is a rooster)? Those are the only ones who might be roosters. Also Ray Ray I'm unsure of Ray Ray, I feel like saying pullet but her/his tail is looking rooish.
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Alright so they are out free ranging already today but I got some back in the run to take some more pictures!(these first pictures are Penny)



@Chicken Girl1 Hey! I just wanted to give you an update on my wonderful chicks. 4 ended up roosters and 4 ended up hens! Ray, sunny, Charlotte, and penny ended up to be our roosters.

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