He was the only chick that hatched from our incubator..Hes a blue laced Red Wyandotte.He grew up alone with cats as his friends and me my mom and sis as his mothers.We tought him how to eat,scratch and drink.I remmeber him being in our hands.He was a loner.But a happy loner.He loved humans.Everyone said he wouldnt survive and that he needed a friend.Thats not true.Happy lives up to his name.He now is 3 months old.Standing tall and crowing very loadly.His crow was perfect the first time he crowed at 2 months.He sleeps like a human.He crows when he needs us.... He may not lay eggs and be non social to other chickens.He may lay down like a human and play with the cats and watch cartoons all day long...He may be wearing a diaper..But hes happy,our roo roo and nothing is gonna stop us from loving our different Happy roo roo.Hes our friend,our room mate,our life.....