Here we go again - I'm hatching more goslings!!

yea thats a good size clutch i hope after she hatches theese she lays a second clutch.
Ok my official setting list for this week are:

6 - Blue American geese
6 - Grey Saddleback Pomeranian geese
? - Sebastopol goose (everything that is laid between now and Wednesday)
? - African goose (everything laid between now and Wednesday)

Already set the Toulouse don't know what I was thinking the other day. We have the beginnings of lock down on Sebastopols this weekend, and then have rolling lock downs weekly with the early eggs they laid. Very anxious customers too waiting for the call they can come pick up their new goslings.
gryeyes, I'm with you! I'm hoping they are also the more docile and tolerant of being raised with ducklings than my africans are turning out to be.

Celtic, that's a great list of breeds. I can't wait to see your toulouse babies when they hatch! Gosh, I hope I do half as well with my 10 eggs as I expect you and Pete will do.
Lets see I have the 2 last eggs from the Embdens and 2 from the Pilgrims and hopefully at least one more from them... ok guys .... I guess I'm in
. Of course if all goes well my first 2 ever goose eggs to hatch are due the 9th of March.

Newbie Offically on Board
P. Sue
That's great, Sue! What kind of bator do you have?

All 3 packages (2 goose, 1 duck) are on their way to my post office. They should all get here tomorrow right on schedule!
Iain, I have a LG that hubby added a computer fan too
. I already have 2 sets on eggs in there. One set of 2 eggs due on the 9th and the second due on the 18th, I still have to candle the 2nd set again I believe that some of the eggs either weren't furtile or Quit. I'll do that tonight and be ready for the new ones. OHH and I now have a gram scale to use also!!
I have to go into town today so I set mine about 8:00 CST this morning. 2 Embden and 3 Pilgrim... hopefully the Pilgrim are fertile, this is their first year. Candled everything else last night and had 3 that either quit or wasn't fertile to begin with. Everyone else is looking good. 2 Embden due on the 9th.
Everyone have a great day

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