Here we go again - I'm hatching more goslings!!

Those are some points in their favor. My mom loves geese, and especially those silly loud chinese! They guard their "junk yard" of antique tractors.

I havnt had geese since I was 17 (many moons ago). When I was trying to get some eggs from the big white geese, one came back unexpectedly. I was trapped with it in the low goose shed, and it was not a pretty picture. I havn't really wanted any since, except all the talk about how sweet the sebs were kind of sold me. One of our geese was very friendly, but that one experience kinda did me in for quite awhile..
Those are some points in their favor.  My mom loves geese, and especially those silly loud chinese!  They guard their "junk yard" of antique tractors.  

I havnt had geese since I was 17 (many moons ago).  When I was trying to get some eggs from the big white geese, one came back unexpectedly.  I was trapped with it in the low goose shed, and it was not a pretty picture.  I havn't really wanted any since, except all the talk about how sweet the sebs were kind of sold me.  One of our geese was very friendly, but that one experience kinda did me in for quite awhile..

I have never actuallt had any good goose experiences, I had one canada gander bitr my butt because I got to close to his, and his girlfriends' gosling. But I want to give geese another chance lol.

Aww, sweet story. I hope you get those 2 eggs from celtic! I almost beflgged her for some, but my friend offered to ship me some freebees. Just hope I get at leased 1 baby! I would like to get a pair, but if I dont, thats ok. I love all the goose storys people on here have. Makes me want some so bad!

You have any other geese eggs in there? Besides the ones celtic will hopefully send you?
I have never actuallt had any good goose experiences, I had one canada gander bitr my butt because I got to close to his, and his girlfriends' gosling. But I want to give geese another chance lol.
Aww, sweet story. I hope you get those 2 eggs from celtic! I almost beflgged her for some, but my friend offered to ship me some freebees. Just hope I get at leased 1 baby! I would like to get a pair, but if I dont, thats ok. I love all the goose storys people on here have. Makes me want some so bad!
You have any other geese eggs in there? Besides the ones celtic will hopefully send you?

No. I havn't turned a goose egg in years! I've got umpteen dozen ducks ( I sell eggs ) and quail and turkeys. I want a pet goose or two. If its something nice like sebs, it would be nice to have a pair, since they are special, but I just want a goose or two for my garden, to live a kept and pampered life. The only "pet" birds we'd have. Everyone else has a job to do, buy why not a pet goose? A good friend of mine turned a peking from me into the most spoiled duck on the planet.
Welcome everyone to the thread!! Hope we all have happy hatches and tons of adorable pics to share with each other next month!

Marty, I don't have an embden source. I have a potential toulouse source (if the eggs I just set show fertility).

ETA: although I hope they would not become your possible future dinner entree.
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Hey Marty, have Sebbie eggs lined up for you next week. Check your PM's please when you can. It's Friday so that means pizza night and working in the brooder house building pens for these goslings.
Hey Marty, have Sebbie eggs lined up for you next week. Check your PM's please when you can. It's Friday so that means pizza night and working in the brooder house building pens for these goslings.

Thank you so much, Celtic! I will go check now. We are working on new brooders this weekend, and our new adopted dog (Mastiff x shepard/lab) arrives tomarrow afternoon!
Marty, I don't have an embden source. I have a potential toulouse source (if the eggs I just set show fertility). I just didn't remember the variety

ETA: although I hope they would not become your possible future dinner entree. Not a chance with anything special. I merely meant if they were commen and turned out to be unfriendly, they could end up in an uncomfortable position - sold or dinner. However, thats the job of our quail and turkey. We rarely eat waterfowl of any kind, and I'd certainly have enough ducks for that..

Did you see that I get seb eggs???? Yeah for Celtic!
Marty1876- The duck eggs are pekin mixes and the geese are toulouse. :)

I candled them all tonight and they're air cells have all gotten bigger (just a little) AND when candling one of the duck eggs I saw a very nice embryo! YAY!!

They are 8 days into incubation, and are due March 23, when are yours due? :)

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