Here we go again - I'm hatching more goslings!!

Yes, I believe air cells get larger as fluid evaporates, regardless of whether it is developing or not.
Thank you! One of the duck eggs is defiantly alive, with great veins and it's also moving. I'm not sure about the geese because they eggs are so thick. The eggs are full of SOMTHING, because I candled them before they went into the incubator and they were clear and now there not. I'll have to wait and see.
Thank you! One of the duck eggs is defiantly alive, with great veins and it's also moving. I'm not sure about the geese because they eggs are so thick. The eggs are full of SOMTHING, because I candled them before they went into the incubator and they were clear and now there not. I'll have to wait and see.

Dont feel bad. Thata kinda how it works for me too! Its only been since I've hung out with folks who candle a lot and know what to look for that I even do more than one candle halfway through, to determine pretty much is it something or nothin? LOL

I don't have a great one either. Got a cheap one from walmart that didn't rock either. I"ve bought the battery one now from GQF with my newest incubator. (the generations one - I love my 10 year old fan one, works great, but this is even better!)

I hope the new candler works as well as everyone elses LED ones. Its LED also, and just for eggs.
Are these toulouse? I think they are beautiful even without dewlap. I will get my first three (2 female 1 male) baby toulouse on April 6th from metzgar farms. Im excited and nervous. I have three 6 week old pekins unsexed. What is the difference in raising the geese vrs ducks anything special you can tell me. I chose toulouse becasue I hear they have gentle disposition. A friend is giving me a 2 yr old male cotton patch and possibly a female gosling when her other cotton patch hatch. Hopingh everyone lives in the duck yard cohesively. your geese are BEAUTIFUL.
Hi jynxster, they are considered utility Toulouse, which I also prefer over the dewlap. Geese and ducks have same needs re food, water, heat, but I do not brood them together, as geese are more aggressive(at least my Africans are) and they grow much faster. I am hoping the Toulouse are more peaceful and can be housed with my ducks. If all goes well, I will find out in a few weeks! :D
The Toulouse pics are the parents of the eggs I am trying to hatch. My adult pair are Toulouse/African crosses, and I have four 9 day old african goslings that I am planning to give to my pair, as they act like they want to adopt them. My pair are not named, nor do I know their age or gender. They came with my property. I don't consider them pets....they do their own thing. I merely have the privilege of feeding them twice a day. They are pretty quiet unless sounding an alarm for good reason... Except lately, as they are acting like they are in breeding mode. My Toulouse babies will all get names and be pets.
Hi All - pleased to catch up on everyones news and that the thread has stimulated so much interest

I noticed one question about the rate of developing air cells and Iain quite rightly it was answered that both fertile and infertile eggs develop an air cell. The important point is that all eggs lose some degree of moisture and therefore weight when stored in cool conditions prior to incubation. Thats why its always best to weigh the egg when fresh or as soon as possible when received. In the first week both infertile and fertile eggs lose a similar amount of moisture. However once the embryo has grown with its vascular mebranes then the moisture loss rate increases over that of an infertile egg under the same conditions. This is due to the embryo's metabolic rate and the fact the blood vessels have grown out to line the inner surface of the egg shell - hope that helps to explain things

Over here in the UK we're on day 3 so should be able to see something in another few days. A slow start for our geese as only one African and a Toulouse laying at the moment. Nothing from our Sebastopols or Buff Toulouse .....................grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


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