Here we go again - I'm hatching more goslings!!

HI everyone!

May all our eggs be fertile! I wish. I won't be getting my seb eggs until later this week, or maybe next week. I'm glad I'm peeking in here, I didn't know you needed to let goose eggs just sit the first 24 hours in the bator. I had planned to do them just like my ducks. Guess I'll go check out pete's link.

Hello Pete, I hear about you all the time. Nice to find you in person!

Hi Kuntrygirl -- I have 11 sebastopol eggs in a brinsea eco20 but am not using the cradle turner. I candled on day 5 and "think" I saw development on 9 out of 11 but will candle again tonight when it should be more clear if they are developing or not. I am NOT using the auto turn cradle but turn by hand twice a day and mist at that time. I'll be happy to let you know my results.

My first set of eggs are due to hatch in a cheap LG incubator on the 13th. Fertility was a little slow in 2 of my breeding pens but some rearranging and I have very good fertility in all pens....whew! I'll be happy to share results and let you know if the Brinsea is any different. I certainly like the plastic base better than the styrofoam and its very quiet even with the fan.

Happy hatching!
I have taken the plunge into incubation and just got an incubator last week and wouldn't you know it I'm incubating Goose eggs on my VERY FIRST try. Nothing like jumping in with both feet.

I set my eggs last night. They are on the 24 hour no turn right now. I weighed (but I need a digital because I know my weights are not good) marked and set. My temp is @99 degrees and the humidity was at 45% this morning. I will most likely do a staggered hatch. I have 4 in the bator now and if the girls lay any in the next two days I will add those.

I need to get a candler and a better scale. I hope I get a hatch.
and Duckgirl89 I hope our eggs are fertile
Keep me posted.

Congrats and best of luck!!! Is your incubator still or forced air??
Congrats and best of luck!!! Is your incubator still or forced air??
Well I'm not sure. I ordered off eBay and it did state that it was forced air BUT I have yet to find the fan. I think I was duped. I am going to message the seller but I have already given feedback and I sure am not going to send the bator back now that I have eggs in it. I didn't think about the forced air until yesterday when I set the eggs. Anyone know where my fan should be on a styrofoam hovabator I think it is the 1611 model? On another note, I went out to the nest pen and was CHASED AWAY :/ so I figure there must be more eggs. I am watching them closely and as soon as they go across the bridge to the pond I am going to steal the eggs. ;)
I don't know anything about forced airs, so I am of no help there. But if it is a still air, the rule of thumb is to increase temp 2 degrees.

Congrats on getting to gather eggs. One of these days, I am going to go on an egg/nest hunt myself... but it is a long shot I have an actual breeding pair of geese.
r4eboxer...I'm doing the same thing. Starting with goose eggs, the first 2 are due to hatch this weekend, I've got 2 more hatches in the bator and I've been asking ALOT of questions and rereading all of pete's information constantly.
The grandkids are comming out the week after Easter and have sent a message to please have something hatch while they are here
I'm thinking chicken eggs for that
. As I have enough hens maybe I wont stress as much over chickens,lol
Wow you are doing an amazing job, your first hatch and goose eggs that are due in 2 days. Big congrats to you. :D
Oh, BTW, I got my eggs from r4eboxer :lol:

I candled my goose eggs, nothing so far. I will candle again, after my chickens hatch. All my SQ WH eggs are forming though! I think one may have a blood ring though :hit
candled the 5 tonight: 2 Pilgrim and 1Embden growing, one of each still watching.... all the middle hatches are moving
of the two that are due this weekend one looks like it might be starting to dip
and the other has a funky thing going on... it's not smelling rotten but
here's a picture

what is going on or how it happened is beyond me... everything below the aircell is too dark to really see anything going on
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psue, it looks like to me that the gosling may have stopped growing and so the egg is starting to spoil. I have had some of my eggs do that and when we opened them they were rotting inside.

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