Here we go again - I'm hatching more goslings!!

OK, thanks Celtic. I'll feel better knowing your looking in, and may offer advice in times of trial.
Well #2, the preemie hatch from last night, didn't make it. Was gone when we came home from a quick run into town.

With #'s 2 and 4 gone, all hopes are now resting on #3 to get safely hatched so #1 isn't by itself. Otherwise, I will have to go to town and get a duck or goose or something to be it's buddy. Poor baby's lonely.
Found nest being sat on March 17th. Checked on the nest at 10am March 21st. Nest was destroyed all but one egg. Goose was nowhere. I started incubating March 21st. At that time i saw nothing in the egg. Set temp: 99.5 degrees. Humidity: 50-55% (a couple times it shot up, and I took water out). If I start counting from when I first incubated it then today is day 22. Per the advice of someone I lowered the humidity to 40% because the egg had a small air sac. So here is a picture today of the egg from both sides. And a video (I had to put the camera down to turn the egg and then I picked it back up). There is alot of movement inside the egg. My question is: am I right that i am on day 25 since there was nothing to be seen the first day of incubation? Is the air sac too small right now? Do I keep my humidity at 40%. When do I stop turning the egg and raise the humidity? And, do I continue to spray after the 27th day? Any way to get the air sac bigger?

Today is day 25. My humidty is now 37%. I am trying to get more air in the egg. when do I raise humidity. Im afraid my baby goose is going to die on me!!! NEED HELP!!!!

video taken at 22 day
goose here is a video of gooslings on day 29 they hatched late on the 32nd and early on the 33rd days.

and here is one of day 15 Metzers also has a chart of a duck egg on the different days of incubation. Might help you figure out what day you really are on... Personally I would start counting the day you put it in the bator since you saw no development to start with.
3rd baby has hatched! A little preemie again, but not as bad as #2. Lots of energy. Screaming and flopping around the incubator. It's the last one, so I put a towel in there to corral it a bit, and it's resting now. Fingers crossed that this little guy makes it! I ran to town today and bought a little black female runner to be #1's buddy, just in case, but perhaps there will be 3 little fluff butts living in the bathtub.
Congrats on your baby hatching and getting a new duckling!!

My first dewlap internally pipped and looks perfect. The other 2 are working away and should pip tonight too. This puts them right on track for a Tuesday afternoon/evening hatch. Had a talk with Carole this afternoon about hatching out these babies. She said they typically hatch on day 30 (so mine are a few hours behind schedule I assume because of the 2 extended cool downs in the past week); and sometimes they get stuck getting out because they are quite big, but a little extra moisture does the trick. She said they also get their legs under them pretty quick too.

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