Here we go again - I'm hatching more goslings!!

SO SORRY MARTY!!! Was that out of our group? I can't keep up with all the names..or was that out of the other bunch you were hatching? I feel terrible for you..
Well, #3, the last hatch was still alive this morning after being pretty weak yesterday. Very vocal. Still can't quite get its legs under it. I got some polyvisol spiked water into it, and hope it does well while I'm gone today. It was having trouble with its eyes yesterday. Wouldn't close it's eyes all the way, and the inner membrane would get gummy to where it's eyes couldn't open/close well. I went in every hour or so and dripped saline on them with a q-tip (couldn't think of what else to do). They are MUCH better today, and baby was focusing on me just fine, so here's to hoping that all's well now. Any idea why they did that? #2, that didn't make it, was the same way. They were both a little preemie, so maybe that had something to do with it?
#1 is doing great. Is best buds with the new little runner, though prefers people.
The runner throws a hissy fit when I pick up #1. Already attached to her big goose buddy!

Glad to hear it's doing better!
Bull, not sure why but sometimes it can take up to 24 hours for eyes to open/close properly and it does sound like they may have been a touch premie. I'm sending positive thoughts that your new baby will gain strength and be just fine this afternoon!

Isn't it precious to see a baby gosling with a baby duckling. I love my pair!!!
Iain, just wanted to say thank you (again) for all your help! I'm planning on setting a new batch of 9 eggs in the incubator tonight. Hopefully I can do a better job with round two! Baby gosling/duckling duos are definitely adorable. I'll have to get some pics of my duo up too. :)
I'm fostering a little chick for a friend. It was just hatched out by a broody and wasn't thriving (it was laying flat and looked almost dead), so I brought it home yesterday and gave it vitamins and heat. Now the little guy is doing much better! I think he/she will make it. Ester wasn't sure what to think at first lol. She wanted to play and nibble, but obviously the size difference makes that impossible. It should have 7 chicky friends hatch out in the next few days at least.

Update: I have a huge external pip crack in my first dewlap and the other 2 are not far behind!!

Thanks Bull!

Very cute, Goosed!
Looks like I've got a shrinky dink! I could tell the baby was not able to move. no change from the first pip I saw this morning. I broke away some of the shell from where the air sac was, no veins or anything there. And sure enough the baby inside is shrink wrapped. I moistened the membrane with a wet qtip and misted down the bator, making sure not to get the baby, and added some more water. Once I broke away some of the shell, SHE (yep, another gilrly!) squiggled and tore some membrane, so I'm hoping she will continue to try and do the rest herself.
I tried to get a pic showing how the membrane is shrink wrapped around her, but couldn't get good shots and I am NOT opening that bator! Ok Iain!! I need you on this!


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