Here we go again - I'm hatching more goslings!!

Is the tip of the beak still facing towards fat end? Can you take a pic? When babies prepare for zipping they pull their heads in. That may be all it is.
She is actually not upside down... when they go to zip, the baby will tuck head deep inside and extend wing out. They also press against tip of fat end with back. It is the combo of hitting shell with tip of beak and the spasms of wing and body that get the baby out.
Question for you guys. How do you disinfect your incubator before a run? I want to set a second batch tonight, but don't want to breed bacteria at the same time.
She is actually not upside down... when they go to zip, the baby will tuck head deep inside and extend wing out. They also press against tip of fat end with back. It is the combo of hitting shell with tip of beak and the spasms of wing and body that get the baby out.

Well hot dog! i didn't get such a clear view with ester. So she will be ok then?
She should be. Just watch to see if she gets stuck turning. Be ready to chip away shell along zip line. Then have warm wet qtips to work between inner membrane and body if there are any sticky spots.

ETA: Since there is already a lot of shell removed, some babies will try to take the easier path out and simply try to push out instead. That is what Erin toulouse did.
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These are my babies. Of the little ones, one was hatched at about 5am this morning, one at about 2am and the other Sunday morning.... or afternoon, I can't remember. LOL. The other huge one was two weeks yesterday. It is almost scary how fast they can grow. He/she is now at the stage where it will follow me all over the yard. If I squat, it will lay under me. SO very cute. zI am done with hatching for this year. I ended up with 17 chickens and four geese. I am happy. A little sad tho that I got my days all twisted and just a bit ago I went to put my last egg into lockdown and when I was in the process, I noticed the date of putting it in the incubator.... I thought it had a week to go and it should have went to lockdown on Saturday. Went to candle it and could tell it was dead. I hate that it is my fault, but feel a little better when I broke it open to look and it has been dead awhile. I was really not fully developed I dont think, but just cant figure how I screwed up my dates so badly when it was written right there on the egg. Good time to quit for the year.. And yes... whoever said that thse three would be fine... you are right.. they are all up and walking fine and pooping like champs. Boy are they

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