Here we go again - I'm hatching more goslings!!

Dampened it so I could go outside and work without worrying. Notice the egg shell stuck to the bill, it's been enlarging the hole.
It also tried biting the qtip, lol. Hard to see, because everything is black. Bill and all feathers I can see so far.
Celtic, I'm so excited about you shipping me the four goslings. Was the pic above of the color girl? Do you have any pics of the white curly pair for Ruth and Julia? They are totally excited. They even loaded the diswasher for me.
Wish I could keep up with you guys! Until I get my puter up and runnin it's hard to get on here. Here's my update: of the 4 eggs I got from Sierra, all 4 were fertile. One died about a week in, I found another dead baby a few days ago and the last 2 are showing shadows now. I hate I lost 2 and I can't for the life of me figure out why I did. Since I've had this new Genesis, I haven't had a single egg quit on me until these. I'm happy I still have two that seem to be doing good, but as you all have experienced, I'm in that nervous worry stage of hatching where your sooo close and hopeful, but really stressed at the same time.

Apparently Alison Grell had some eggs on ebay a cple weeks ago and I totally missed it. If any of you check ebay often and you see some of her eggs listed...if you get a sec to email me, that would be awesome! My email is [email protected]. I check as often as I can, but I only have my hubby's phone to get online with right now so I don't always get a chance to surf but I do check my mail. It takes this phone like a hundred years to load each page!

So who else has got babies hatching in the next cple of days? Anyone selling Dewlap Toulouse goslings here?
The start of the hatching here!!!!!!!!!!!
Here's BABIES!!!!!

WE GOT A BUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are more pipped and 2 of the nests still haven't started hatching yet....Come on babies!!

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