Here we go again - I'm hatching more goslings!!

Hey everyone, just thought I'd report my good news from the vet today. Spirit is doing really well. Her hips and legs are staying straight and her one foot has pretty much self corrected. Re-check in 2-3 weeks. Since I was taking Spirit in, I decided to take my other dewlaps and Erin Toulouse to get vent sexed.

Barley, my beautiful buff dewlap, is a girl (no surprise there).
Chicory, my Erin utility toulouse, is also a girl (surprise).
My grey dewlaps were exactly as I thought: 2 boys/2 girls.

And of course, I have my trio of 2 girls/1 boy of buff dewlaps arriving next week.
Pretty sure my other trio of utility toulouse babies are also 2 girls/1 boy.

I think I got pretty lucky with my gander/goose ratio!
Marty, I would consider it, but only for you. Once you figure it out, let me know, because my other Toulouse are very nice too, and I can probably send you a mate even if Luna is a girl.
Hey Marty, on your splash gosling don't use an ace wrap. Too heavy for the wing muscles already trying to support the heavy blood filled flight feathers. Vet wrap around the wing AND body with duct tape over the seam to keep in place. If you figure 8 the wrap it will help hold in place and not slip easily down and off even with tugging. The splash may need isolated some too to get the wrap to stay and the angel wing fixed before it sets and is too late. If she will be exposed to the pool or rain there is no need to change it out until the end of the 5-7 day period. Important to get it on and keep it on with no checking until atleast the 6th day.

Isn't Luna your Erin Toulouse? That makes her a production Toulouse not a giant (which are the dewlap) not sure what hatchery coined the term giant with them as a sales pitch. (it's like production African which they call giants) we have three production grey Toulouse, two ganders a goose, big and clumsy but sweet. The ganders dwarf the Sebastopols who are older than them, and are bigger than our adults as well.

Congrats on the turkey hatch, are they Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas? :lol:

Iain congrats on the good vet visit. Always nice to get good news and not cost an arm and a leg too.

DG, focus on proper housing for your ducks and geese you have already before adding new breeds. They all need shelter you can securely put them in at night even as adults or you are just inviting predators to the all you can eat buffet.
Celtic - I was kidding about the ace bandage, just frustraited. I will go get more vet wrap tomarrow, figure eight it, and duct tape the end. His buddies think he shouldn't be wearing anything that isn't feathers. If they take it off again, I'll isolate.

This turkeys get to make next years Easter, Memorial day, labor day, thanksgiving, and christmas (dinners).
Isn't Chicory your only Erin toulouse?  I'm liking how sweet Luna is.  She loves me sooo much, I kinda like the giants.  All are sweet, but Luna is sweetest.

Yes, she is my only Toulouse from Erin stock. My other three utility Toulouse babies are from mahanaim farm. They look identical and are also quiet, level headed and sweet, however, since Chicory got a lot of extra attention being brooded with molasses and barley, she is a special doll. So much so that I am considering keeping her with my dewlaps. She is my 3rd favorite next to barley and spirit.
Hey everyone, just thought I'd report my good news from the vet today. Spirit is doing really well. Her hips and legs are staying straight and her one foot has pretty much self corrected. Re-check in 2-3 weeks. Since I was taking Spirit in, I decided to take my other dewlaps and Erin Toulouse to get vent sexed.

Barley, my beautiful buff dewlap, is a girl (no surprise there).
Chicory, my Erin utility toulouse, is also a girl (surprise).
My grey dewlaps were exactly as I thought: 2 boys/2 girls.

And of course, I have my trio of 2 girls/1 boy of buff dewlaps arriving next week.
Pretty sure my other trio of utility toulouse babies are also 2 girls/1 boy.

I think I got pretty lucky with my gander/goose ratio!
great news
Glad to see Spirit is doing well such a beautiful baby. please post another video! After watching vet sex your birds do you think you could do it?

so I made myself leave the house all day, drove an hour to look at some 5 week old Oregon mini geese unfortunately several of them looked like they had angel or dropped wings, besides I am not really ready for them yet, need to assemble chain link run I bought. any ways when I got home goosie had done... absolutely nothing! I am going to go blind staring at the pip on that egg lol.

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