Here we go again - I'm hatching more goslings!!

WOW! That is it... WOW! Just goes to show you...always ask for a second opinion :) thanks for the Picture!!!
I may need to reference it in the future :) I hope your baby has a fast recovery!!!
For those who are curious about how Spirit is doing, I have had some new developments with her.

She has had a bad time the past couple of days with not being about to get up from a laying position as her legs will splay. So, we schedule an appointment for this morning at 9am. At our appointment, the vet said.... and I am quoting her chart notes: "Hips starting to splay. Advised quality of life will quickly become unacceptable; recommended euthanasia." I asked her to refer me to another vet that she would consider a mentor, so she sent me to another place. We met with vet #2 at 4pm. This vet took xrays (1st vet has never offered and when asked by me she said unnecessary). He determined hips are fine, but lower leg has rotated 90 degrees. He said he could cast her foot to correct it, then break her leg and re-set it. He thought prognosis was actually pretty good. So, they put her under anesthesia and cast her foot. Vet said he was surprised that there was nice flexion and he was able to almost fully correct it today. She came out of the procedure really well. She is now back home in her pen, walking around, eating and drinking well, preening and chatting away.

He also gave me a series of pictures of a sling to help ease the weight off her good leg, if she appears to be having a hard time. Hubby is making a list and running to home depot to build it tonight, but so far she does not appear to need it.

We return in 5 days to remove cast and determine the next step.

Here is one of the pics he gave me with another gosling patient of his:
That is so amazing and cool!
In the very bad wind and rain last night a building rolled, and its babies subjected to the bad weather. I've lost Luna, a buff, and a khaki. (actually, maybe alive but not withen several acres of home now - no bodies of any but the drownded buff.)

My poor Luna.
I am so sorry!!! maybe you will hear them calling for you...I have had it happen and I am always out listening for the 'missing' chick...most of the time I do not find it...but sometimes I will hear it off in the distance calling for me....
Oh no Marty! That must have been some storm roll through. I hope you find Luna.

We are about to move a building here and have to hurricane anchor it and the duck and goose houses. Always a fun thing.

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