Heritage Breed Weights - Unintentional Turkey Owner - Are mine small for their age?

Hi, cute birds! We are first time turkeyers too this year! We have two 8 week old poults, Royal Palm unsexed at this point. From the sizes, I would say the 5 week old one is not too small at all. Ours seemed to have grown substantially in height and length in the last 2-3 weeks. The older bird appears about the same age as mine, maybe a couple weeks older, based on the loss of feathers on the head (ours are just starting to loose some to reveal carbunckles and blueish skin). So I'm thinking your bigger bird is probably about 10 weeks old or so? Totally a guess. ;-)

My oldest bird (6 days older than my other one) weights right under 2 pounds a few days ago. So your older one probably was a tiny bit underweight if he's older than mine, but sounds like he's gaining so he's probably going to fill out for you with the good care. I think the 5 week old one is healthy and will surprise you how quickly he grows in the next month. ;0)

They are hilarous when they strut and spit at this age, they puff up and look like miniature butterballs! (both males and females do it).

First pic is June 17, 5 weeks old.

Second is about 7 weeks old, puffing up. Bantam chick (same age, Cochen/Brahma bantam mix) next to them, large chicken in background (Brahma and 1 year old Jersey Giant).

This is yesterday outside...all of sudden in the last week or so .... height and length.

This is today, 8 weeks old. Tape is on the floor, they are in a wire crate on hay, so shave off an inch for actual measurement. The two pounder is the one in back, standing erect. The one in front is about 6 days younger and isn't standing up straight.

Yesterday the larger one weighed 4lbs 5.2oz.

After over a decade of never having lost a bird to predators, a raccoon took the smaller turkey. :(

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