Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

We'll see!
That would be really cool to have other women there. Seems like I'm always the odd woman out, as I like to do a lot of men type activities and always have. Church has a wood ministry and I'm out working a splitter, while the other ladies are in the kitchen. I LOVE splitting wood with a splitter...but chattering with women about other people? Not so much.
I hear ya, Beekissed! When we moved back to western PA 22 year go, I came from So Cal where everyone talks to everyone. Back here it was women talk to women and men talk to men on opposite sides of the room. Not me, I was the rebel who would jaunt over to the "men's side" and join in on the building and hunting discussions, smile. Ha, ha, ha,. Hey, wear a tag with "beekissed" on it. Some one from BYC may recognize it, smile. And those chicken folk? Not like dog folk at all! Just love to talk birds. Plus I love the way poultry shows are done. No one goes into the show area when judging is being done so nothing to do all that time but socialize. Just walk up to someone and compliment their birds and ask about them and you probably won't get them to shut up, LOL. Helpful, friendly folk.
Oh and if you are washing white birds? Get a shampoo made for white coats like Chris Christensen's White On White. It really makes those feathers white and bright!!
Here ya go, from a post I wrote on another thread a while back which was discussing how to get a bird white for the shows.
A while back on the old Heritage Large Fowl original thread we discussed this. One poster sent in a pic of her bird she had bathed in a dog shampoo esp. made for white dogs. Wow! The before and after pics were amazing. The bird got sooo white. I looked around and (being formerly from the dog breeder world) checked out Chris Christensen's website. They do have a real nice shampoo called White On White which makes the whites clean and sparkle. Might try them.
White On White shampoo : http://www.chrissystems.com/whitening-shampoo-show-dogs-groomers-dogs-cats.aspx
excerpt from that webpage:
"Dear Lisa & Chris; I had a funny thing happen recently and wanted to share with you. I have 10 purebred chickens. I keep them for pleasure and for the yummy eggs they lay. I recently attended a "chicken swap." The swap advertised that there would be a chicken grooming seminar. Of course, I HAD to attend a chicken grooming class!!! The class a surprise. It was given by a young lady, 12 or 13 years old. She was at that awkward age, and had a fairly significant speech impediment. Yet, this young lady had more confidence than any 12 adults put together. I was wowed. This young lady shows her chickens at fairs and shows around the state. She described in detail how she bathes the chickens, trims their beaks and nails, rubs sweet oil into their combs and wattles. I asked what the best shampoo for chickens was. Her answer tickled me...it was swift and without hesitation. "White on White" is the BEST shampoo for chickens." So, you obviously have an untapped potential market here! You need to be pushing the White on White to the chicken showing world! Hope this finds you both well and happy. Love you both! Daryl"
P.S. Chris Christensen also makes special shampoos for red, blue, and black colored dogs,
Black On Black : http://www.chrissystems.com/pet-grooming-show-dog-and-cat-color-shampoo.aspx
Red On Red : http://www.chrissystems.com/pet-grooming-show-dog--cat-red-on-red-shampoo-.aspx
Gold On Gold : http://www.chrissystems.com/pet-grooming-show-dog-and-cat-color-enhancing-.aspx
More ideas for chicken owners of other colors!
Multi-color kit with instructions on how to mix shampoo for intermediate shades like Mahogany :
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You read my mind, Ron!!!! It's raining right now....and should be raining quite a few days before the show.
Just send 'em out and let 'em do what they do best...forage in the rain until they look like drowned rats, then shampoo 'em up and send 'em out again.

It's so simple that it just might work!
You read my mind, Ron!!!! It's raining right now....and should be raining quite a few days before the show.
Just send 'em out and let 'em do what they do best...forage in the rain until they look like drowned rats, then shampoo 'em up and send 'em out again.

It's so simple that it just might work!

For all I know about it!
This is why we breed heritage fowl. The MHC is basically the engine
which runs the immune system.

MHC variability in heritage breeds of chickens
J. E. Fulton*,1,
A. R. Lund*,
A. M. McCarron*,
K. N. Pinegar*,
D. R. Korver†,
H. L. Classen‡,
S. Aggrey§,
C. Utterbach#,
N. B. Anthony¶ and
M. E. Berres**

Penedesenca Negra (PN), Prat Lleonada (PL), and Empordanesa Roja (ER).
Genetic parameters for egg number, egg weight, and eggshell color in three Catalan poultry breeds
A Francesch,
J Estany,
L Alfonso and
M Iglesias

four Spanish breeds of hens (Castellana, Buff Prat, Vasca, and Villafranquina), an F2 from a cross between Castellana and Buff Prat (C × BP-F2), and a White Leghorn population.
Comparative Yolk Cholesterol Content in Four Spanish Breeds of Hens, an F2 Cross, and a White Leghorn Population

  1. J. L. CAMPO
Aerial perches and free-range laying hens: The effect of access to aerial perches and of individual bird parameters on keel bone injuries in commercial free-range laying hens

  1. C. J. Donaldson1,*,,
  2. M. E. E. Ball* and
  3. N. E. O’Connell
Physical characteristics of feathers play a role in feather eating behavior

  1. A. Harlander-Matauschek1 and
  2. U. Feise
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